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Fallout Wiki
Gametitle-FO4 CC
Gametitle-FO4 CC
Creation Club logo

Creation Clubとは、Fallout 4 パッチ 1.10以降に実装された新機能である。


Creation ClubはFallout 4 及び姉妹作 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 用に用意された新しいコンテンツを提供するサポートサイトである。Bethesda Game Studiosとコミュニティのクリエイターを含む外部の開発パートナーが制作した様々なコンテンツを提供する。 Creation Clubで追加された要素はゲーム本編とDLCに対応しており、使用しても実績が無効化されることはない。

現段階の日本語版Fallout 4は、Creation Clubが使用可能になるパッチ 1.10が対応しておらず、CCコインを購入することが出来ても使用することが出来ない仕様となっている。 当初公式サイトでは、後日対応するという事だったがそれ以降新たな情報もなく、現段階では"海外限定コンテンツ"として扱われている。

Announcement trailer[]


CCクレジットとはCreation Clubコンテンツを購入する際に使用する通貨である。PlayStation™Network、Xbox Live、およびSteamストアにて購入することが出来る。 購入したCCクレジットはXbox版とSteam版では、Fallout 4Skyrim の両方で共有して使用可能である。 しかし、PlayStation版では技術的な問題でゲームごとに異なるクレジットとなっており、Fallout 4用のCCクレジットでSkyrimのCCコンテンツを購入する事、その逆も出来ない。

日本語版ではCCクレジットを購入することだけは可能となっている。 しかし、何らかの方法でパッチ1.10以降を適応出来ない場合無駄となってしまう。

CCクレジット Credits icon USD GBP EUR YEN
750 $7.99 £5.99 €6.99 \880
1500 $14.99 £10.99 €12.99 \1,680
3000 $24.99 £18.99 €20.99 \2,800
5500 $39.99 £29.99 €34.99 \4,400

Creation Clubアカウントを作成時に、100クレジットが無料で配布される。なお、PlayStation 4版ではFallout 4Skyrimに別々に100クレジットずつ配布される。

Available content[]


Item Description Obtaining Credits

Credits icon

FO4 Creation Club - Chinese Stealth Armor
Chinese Stealth Armor
Worn by both the Crimson Dragoon troops and Black Ghost counterinsurgency squads during the Great War, Chinese Stealth Armor relies on light modulation technology to render its wearer virtually invisible. Obtained through the quest "Can You See Me Now?," in the bunker at South Boston military checkpoint, in a trunk. 400 Bethesda Game Studios logo
FO4 Creation Club - Doom Classic Marine Armor
Doom Classic Marine Armor
It's been said that the classic green armor of the Space Marine can protect against the very forces of Hell itself. The Wasteland definitely qualifies. Deposited into your inventory. 400
FO4 Creation Club - Hellfire PA
Hellfire Power Armor
Big, beautiful, and utterly terrifying, the ultra-protective Hellfire Power Armor is the perfect way to bring the fight to the enemy… and end it quickly. Obtained through the quest "Pyromaniac," southeast of Listening Post Bravo, on a Forged character named Pyro. 500
FO4 Creation Club - Horse PA
Horse Power Armor
Gallop your way through the Wasteland in this stylish, sturdy and heavily modified handcrafted Power Horse Armor. Giddyup! Obtained through the quest "Giddyup!," inside Wilson Atomatoys corporate HQ on a power armor frame near a deceased character named Scabby. 250
FO4 Creation Club - Morgans Space Suit
Morgan's space suit
From deep space to the Glowing Sea, this space suit - once worn by TranStar Industries' Morgan Yu - will help turn you from prey to predator. Deposited into your inventory. 300
FO4CC Fantasy Hero Set
Fantasy Hero Set
Move over Grognak - there's a new hero in town! Embark on a quest to retrieve the helmet and sword of a true warrior of legend, and cleave a path to victory through the entire Commonwealth! Obtained through the quest "Method to the Madness" in Hubris Comics. 300
FO4 Creation Club - Graphic T-shirt
Graphic T-Shirt Pack
Show off your Fallout branded attire with over 25 t-shirts and pants. Brands include Nuka-Cola, Red Rocket, Vault-Tec and several of your favorite Hubris comics and more Found in pre-war suitcases and random lockers and dressers in the world, at vendors like Fallon's Basement and Fallon's department store, and may appear on settlers. 100 Nicole Else (Aarwyn)
FO4 Creation Club - Modular Backpack
Modular Military Backpack
Make this backpack yours with over 30 different add-on pieces, patches and colors. Featuring increased carry weight and multiple bonuses for surviving even the harshest Wasteland conditions. Deposited into your inventory, craftable via armor workbench and available through vendors. 400 Rob Vogel (fadingsignal)
FO4CC X-02 Power Armor
X-02 Power Armor
Often referred to as the "black devil" for its signature design, the X-02 is an advanced power armor model developed by the Enclave for its special operations forces. With multiple skin options and custom Tesla modifications, the X-02 is a powerful tool to help you storm through the Wasteland, or bedevil it. Obtained through the quest "Speak of the Devil" starting at Wattz Consumer Electronics. 700 Kris Takahashi
Fo4 CC - Pint Sized Slasher
Pint-Sized Slasher
Who hasn't heard the story of the Pint-Sized Slasher, the tiny terror of suburbia? Whether it's his frightful clown mask or his signature chef's knife, having become one of the more popular legends in American folklore. Some believe the Pint-Sized Slasher only a myth, though the bodies tell a different story. Obtained through the quest "A Pint-Sized Problem." 400 Thomas "Otellino" Mitchell
FO4CC Vault Suit Customization
Vault Suit Customization
Behind every vault suit is a number, and every number a story. Craft a jumpsuit to suit your story by choosing from a variety of different color and number combinations! Vault-Tec Regional HQ, various vaults 300 ANDREWCX, Elianora

Creatures and Gameplay[]

Item Description Obtaining Credits

Credits icon

New breeds of dog can now be found in the Wasteland and adopted for your settlements. Through the quest Dog Rescue. 200 (each) Bethesda Game Studios logo
FO4 CC - TransDOGrifier
The TransDOGrifier collars are special collars that change Dogmeat's appearance. Choose from 4 new visual styles. If you have purchased any other dog Creation, you can also select that breed of dog for Dogmeat, as well. Deposited into your inventory, crafted at chem stations and modified at armor workbench. 300 Bethesda Game Studios logo
FO4 Creation Club - Sentinel Control System Companion
Sentinel Control System Companion
Before the Great War, the geniuses at West-Tek and General Atomics International had an idea - what if they combined unmanned suits of Power Armor with an autonomous artificial intelligence? Their single, highly experimental prototype was eventually recovered by the Brotherhood of Steel, and now it's in your hands. Not quite a robot, much more than a human, the Sentinel Control System will shift the balance of power on any battlefield! Also comes with two new unlockable Power Armor Paint Jobs! Obtained through the quest Malevolent Malfunction. 700 Bethesda Game Studios logo
FO4CC PF Settlement Security
Settlement Ambush Kit
Tired of being taken unawares by the Commonwealth deadliest foes? Now you can turn the tables, with the Settlement Ambush Kit! By setting up specific radio beacons or "bait" at your settlements, you can lure enemies in and have your automated defenses cut them to ribbons! And, best of all, you can watch the action unfold remotely, utilizing a brand new security camera system. Creation appears while in Workshop mode. 900 Bethesda Game Studios logo
FO4 CC - Virtual Workshop
Virtual Workshop
Travel to new world from the comfort of your settlement with the VR Workshop! Transport yourself to a series of exotic landshapesゲーム内の綴り,句読点,および/または文法 such as a desert island and the iconic GNR plaza from the Capital Wasteland! Featuring over 40 new craftable items, weather and music options, enemy spawns, near limitless settlement building, and four new worlds to choose from! Creation appears while in Workshop mode. 1000 Rob Vogel (fadingsignal)


Pip-Boy Paint Jobs
Item Description Obtaining Credits

Credits icon

Show off a new paint job for your Pip-Boy! Craftable at an armor workbench. 50 (each) Bethesda Game Studios logo
FO4 Creation Club - PipBoy Aquatic Camo
Aquatic Camo
Call to the ocean with this gorgeous aquatic camo Pip-Boy paint job. Craftable at an armor workbench. Camouflage Bundle (50 each) Bethesda Game Studios logo
Creation Club - PipBoy Desert Camo
Desert Camo
Blend into dry grasslands and you hunt for prey in this tan and brown desert camouflage paint job.
FO4 Creation Club - PipBoy CamoGreen
Swamp Camo
With its mottled yellow, brown and green, the swamp camo Pip-Boy paint job is perfect for those waterlogged slogs through Bloodbug-infested terrain
FO4 Creation Club - PipBoy Nuka-Cola
You'll be the talk of the bottling plant break room with this stylish Nuka-Cola themed Pip-Boy skin. 50 (each) Kial Oliver-Gibson (SovereignWalrus)
FO4 Creation Club - PipBoy Nuka-Cola Quantum
Nuka-Cola Quantum
Check out this cool blue Nuka-Cola Quantum skin for your Pip-Boy, as special as the limited edition soda itself.
FO4 Creation Club - PipBoy Overseer's Edition
Overseer's Edition
Travel the Wasteland like a boss, or rather THE boss, with this Vault-Tec certified Overseer Pip-Boy skin. Now featuring patented plastiwood technology. Adam "The Rizzler" Ridsdale
FO4 Creation Club - PipBoy The Institute
The Institute
Whether human or Synth, you'll represent the superiority of the Institute as you stride across the wasteland in this smart white and red Pip-Boy skin.
FO4 Creation Club - PipBoy Adventure
Show off a new paint job for your Pip-Boy! 50 Bethesda Game Studios logo
FO4CC Children of Atom
Children of Atom
Show off a new paint job for your Pip-Boy! 50 Calder "Niero" Ross
Armor Paint Jobs
Item Description Obtaining Credits

Credits icon

FO4CC Armor Paint Job Shi
Show off new paints for your armor. Supported armor includes Combat, Metal, Synth and Leather. Craftable at an armor workbench. 100 Bethesda Game Studios logo
FO4CC Armor Paint Job Aquatic Camo
Aquatic Camo
Camouflage Bundle (100 each)
FO4CC Armor Paint Job Desert Camo
Desert Camo
FO4CC Armor Paint Job Swamp Camo
Swamp Camo
Power Armor Paint Jobs
Item Description Obtaining Credits

Credits icon

FO4 Creation Club - Aquatic Camo PA
Aquatic Camo
This aquatic themed paint job is perfect for any seaside assaults. Craftable at a power armor station. Camouflage Bundle (100 each) Bethesda Game Studios logo
Creation Club - Desert Camo PA
Desert Camo
Brave the desert wasteland in tan and brown camo.
FO4 Creation Club - Swamp Camo PA
Swamp Camo
This unique Power Armor paint job will keep you hidden just long enough to destroy anyone - or anything - stupid enough to venture into your neck of swamp.
FO4CC Gunners vs Minutemen
Gunners vs. Minutemen
Join the fight to retake Quincy alongside the Minutemen! Features three unique power armor paint variants for both the Minutemen and Gunner factions! Obtained through the quest War Paint. 600 Skibadaa, Kris Takahashi
Weapon Paint Jobs
Item Description Obtaining Credits

Credits icon

FO4CC Weapon Paint Job Shi
Customize your weapons with new Material paint! Supported weapons include Assault Rifle, Combat Rifle, Combat Shotgun, Laser Rifle, Institute Rifle, Missile Launcher, Minigun, 10mm Pistol, Gatling Laser and the .44 Revolver. Craftable at a weapons workbench. 100 Bethesda Game Studios logo
FO4CC Weapon Paint Job Aquatic Camo
Aquatic Camo
Camouflage Bundle (100 each)
FO4CC Weapon Paint Job Desert Camo
Desert Camo
FO4CC Weapon Paint Job Swamp Camo
Swamp Camo


Item Description Obtaining Credits

Credits icon

FO4 Creation Club - Anti-Materiel Rifle
Anti-Materiel Rifle
In life, are our actions pre-determined? Is our fate sealed, or are we mere puppets to a pre-ordained destiny? And really, does it matter if we end up with a powerful Anti-Materiel Rifle? Obtained through the quest "The Paper Mirror" created by Kris Takahashi. 400 Stefan "asXas" Engdahl, Kris Takahashi
FO4 Creation Club - Doom BFG
Doom BFG
With its telltale green flash and crackle of burning ozone, nothing says "Kill everything - living, dead, or otherwise" like the infamous BFG. Obtained through the quest "From Hell," on a raider named Mercy, at the Glowing Sea Red Rocket station. New ammo available through vendors. 400 Bethesda Game Studios logo
FO4 Creation Club - Handmade Shotgun
Handmade Shotgun
Crafted using pipes, springs, and a healthy dose of psychotic self-reliance, this fully-modded shotgun is perfect for a quick and violent solution. To just about anything. Deposited into your inventory, will appear in the world, and at vendors. Can appear as either the Handmade shotgun or the Triple-barrel handmade shotgun. 200 Stefan "asXas" Engdahl
FO4 Creation Club - Gauss Rifle Prototype
Prototype Gauss Rifle
Wielded with deadly effect before the Great War, the Prototype Gauss Rifle uses electromagnetic induction to shoot a projectile at tremendous speed. It is, in essence, a sniper's best friend. Obtained through the quest "The Prototype" on a Gunner commander outside Gunners plaza and will appear in the inventory of traders such as Arturo Rodriguez. 400 Bethesda Game Studios logo
FO4 Creation Club - Solar Cannon
Solar Cannon
It's win, lose or draw, and the only one left alive holds the legendary Solar Cannon. Do you have what it takes to claim the prize and stay in the game, or will you fold like all the rest? Obtained through the quest "Burned on the River" created by Kris Takahashi. 400 Jose McCallum (Shoeburglar), Kris Takahashi
FO4 Creation Club - Tunnel Snakes Rule!
Tunnel Snakes Rule!
Enjoy a Tunnel Snakes-themed adventure, featuring the original Fallout 10mm pistol and a new Tunnel Snakes jacket. Pistol created by Adam "The Rizzler" Ridsdale. Obtained through the quest Tunnel Snakes Rule! 500 Adam "The Rizzler" Ridsdale
FO4 Creation Club - Captain Cosmos
Captain Cosmos
In space, no one can hear terrible acting! Venture onto the set of the old Captain Cosmos TV show, and obtain a unique weapon, outfit, and set of Power Armor that would make any space cadet proud! Creations obtained through the quest Captain Cosmos. 700 Kial Oliver-Gibson (SovereignWalrus)

additional art/support: Rob Vogel (fadingsignal)

Fo4 CC - Zetan Arsenal
Zetan Arsenal
In farmlands untouched by progress, aliens known as Zetans descend on our planet, carrying with them powerful weapons made of unknown technology. For what purpose, no one knows. But watch the skies, and you may soon find out. Includes three out of this world weapons. Obtained through the quest "Over the Moon" 600 Adam "The Rizzler" Ridsdale, Kris Takahashi
Fo4 CC - Heavy Incinerator
Heavy Incinerator
Developed for Enclave troopers and claimed by the Forged, the Heavy Incinerator is perfect for any pyromaniac looking for a little extra range and to inflict massive damage. This heavy duty flame launcher lobs fireballs with reckless abandon, scorching earth along the way. Obtained through the quest Crucible. 400 Kris Takahashi
Fo4 CC - Manwell Rifle Set
Manwell Rifle Set
Big game hunters speak of a legend in the forests to the north - a giant stag that glows as bright as Quantum. Pick up the trail and track the mysterious beast with two of the hunter's famed weapons of choice: the deadly Manwell Rifle and Carbine. Each gun features a wide array of modification options to help you hunt your prey in the manner you see fit. Obtained through the quest The Quantum Stag. 400 Jose McCallum (Shoeburgler), Kris Takahashi
Fo4 CC - Quake Thunderbolt
Quake Thunderbolt
There are Wasteland tales of warriors descending from the sky itself, to partake in a death match of champions. One such warrior wields a weapon that can harness the power of storms and lightning, known only as the Thunderbolt. To claim it for yourself, you must enter the arena and best the champions by following one simple rule: stay alive. Obtained through the quest Deathmatch. 300 Richard Edwards (Unoctium)
FO4CC CR-74L Combat Rifle
CR-74L Combat Rifle
Featuring a fully automatic rifle that can tear through your enemies at breakneck speeds, with different faction skins to customize its look. Obtained through the quest Way Back Home. 400 Stefan "asXas" Engdahl, Kris Takahashi
FO4CC Tesla Cannon
Tesla Cannon
Designed by the U.S. government as a lightweight, anti-tank energy weapon, the Tesla cannon delivers a massive jolt to any unfortunate soul who stands in its path. Includes custom modifications and a new quest that has you track the whereabouts of a missing Gunner crew! Obtained through the quest Best of Three. 400 Richard Edwards (Unoctium)


Item Description Obtaining Credits

Credits icon

FO4 Creation Club - Arcade Workshop Pack
Arcade Workshop Pack
Build your own arcade with upright arcade cabinets for each holotape game including Red Menace, Atomic Command, Pipfall, Grognak the Barbarian and the Ruby Ruins, Zeta Invaders and Automatron. Also features new lighting, poster and flooring options. Appears while in Workshop mode. 300 Bethesda Game Studios logo
FO4 Creation Club - Charlestown Condo
Charlestown Condo
Live the life of luxury with this classy Charlestown Condo. With four floors of customizability and plenty of space to spare, your new home awaits… just down the road from Bunker Hill! Obtained through the quest A Place to Call Home. 300 Bethesda Game Studios logo
FO4 CC - Coffee and Donuts Workshop Pack
Coffee and Donuts Workshop Pack
Bring some delicious fun to the wasteland with the Slocum's Joe Coffee and Donuts Workshop Pack! Featuring over 75 new items including new architecture, signs, lights, decorations, and new animated food crafting stations, allowing you to make your favorite pre-war donut and coffee flavors. Assign vendors to run your shop while you are away. Includes 2 new Power Armors Paint Jobs. Obtained through the quest Slocum's Joe. 600 Rob Vogel (fadingsignal)
Creation Club - Home Decor Workshop Pack
Home Decor Workshop Pack
Enjoy over 85 new decorative items for your home featuring new beds, furniture, picture frames, rugs, posters and a new Bobblehead display. Appears while in Workshop mode. 200 Elianora
FO4 Creation Club - Modern Domestic Workshop
Modern Furniture Workshop Pack
Give your workshop a contemporary look with over 40 modern furniture and decorative pieces. Appears while in Workshop mode. 300 Rob Vogel (fadingsignal)
FO4 Creation Club - Nuka-Cola Collector Workshop
Nuka-Cola Collector Workshop
Quench your thirst for interior design! Complete this pack's quest, and unlock an all-new house, and full collection of Nuka-Cola themed workshop items! Obtained through the quest Carbonated Concerns. 500 Elianora
FO4 Creation Club - Noir Penthouse
Noir Penthouse
In the twilight where past and future meet, the Noir Penthouse provides a santumゲーム内の綴り,句読点,および/または文法 from the chaos of the Commonwealth. Originally used as a safehouse for elite Institute Coursers on the hunt for escaped Synths, this stylish apartment included over 35 new workshop items, new clothing outfit, and a new quest. Obtained through the quest Early Retirement. 600 Tom Seddon (bloodmeat08)
Fo4 CC - Holiday Workshop Pack
Holiday Workshop Pack
Santa knows who's been naughty and who's been nice. In fact, he's kept a running list for the past two hundred years, and stocked plenty of gifts for all the Commonwealth. Find his crate of goodies and unpack new clothing, weapon and armor skins, and over 60 workshop items to keep your settlement and its inhabitants for the holiday season! Obtained through the quest Holiday Spirits. 700 Rob Vogel (fadingsignal)
Fo4 CC - Shrouded in Secrets
Shroud Manor
A secretive home once owned by Louie Trevisani, the foremost collector of Silver Shroud memorabilia, and by some accounts, a ruthless crime boss. Shroud Manor is a fully customizable home that adds a newly textured outfit, weapon, and over a dozen craftable items! Obtained through the quest Shrouded Manor. 400 Shezrie
Fo4 CC - Neon Flats
Neon Flats
In the heart of Goodneighbor lies the Neon Flats, a high-tech, cyber-themes apartment whose space is as dormant as its mind. Once controlled by an artificial intelligence, this futuristic domicile is now yours to inhabit. Featuring two customizable floors and over 30 new workshop items including contemporary furniture and modern outfits all designed with a sleek, hacker's aesthetic. Obtained through the quest Neon Winter. 600 Tom Seddon (bloodmeat08), Kris Takahashi
FO4CC Capital Wasteland Mercenaries
Capital Wasteland Mercenaries
Fight the good fight in the Capital Wasteland by helping a ragtag group of mercenaries defend GNR! Includes eight new mercenary outfits, two of each classic FO3 style: Veteran, Troublemaker, Charmer and Adventurer. Obtained through the quest The Good Fight. 750 Kris Takahashi, Rob Vogel (fadingsignal), Elianora


Bundle Items Description Obtaining Credits

Credits icon

Creation Club - WPJ Hot Rodder Bundle
Hot Rod Weapon Paint Job Bundle
This Bundle includes 3 Weapon Paint Jobs: Hot Rod Pink, Hot Rod Shark, Red Flames. Craftable at a weapons workbench. 225 (100 each) Skibadaa
Creation Club - WPJ Army Atom Cats Gunners Vault-Tec
Army, Atom Cats, Gunners and Vault-Tec Weapon Paint Job Bundle
This Bundle includes 4 Weapon Paint Jobs: Army, Atom Cats, Gunners and Vault Tec. Craftable at a weapons workbench. 300 (100 each) Skibadaa
Creation Club - WPJ BoS, Institute, Railroad, Minutemen
Brotherhood of Steel, Institute, Railroad, Minutemen Weapon Paint Job Bundle
This Bundle includes 4 Weapon Paint Jobs: Brotherhood of Steel, Institute, Railroad and Minutemen. Craftable at a weapons workbench. 300 (100 each) Skibadaa
Fo4CC Faction Fashion Weapon Skin Bundle
Faction Fashion Weapon Skin Bundle
There's no better way to rep a faction than to paint it on your gun. Choose from the Children of Atom, Enclave, Reilly's Rangers, Tunnel Snakes, and Pickman weapon skins, and let your enemies know who shot them. Craftable at a weapons workbench. 400 (100 each) Unknown
FO4 Creation Club - Hot Rod armor paint job bundle
Hot Rod Armor Paint Job Bundle
This Bundle includes 3 Armor Paint Jobs for Hot Rod Pink, Hot Rod Shark and Red Flames. Craftable at an armor workbench. 225 (100 each) Skibadaa
FO4 CC - Army AtomCats Gunners VT armor paint job bundle
Army, Atom Cats, Gunners and Vault-Tec Armor Paint Job Bundle
This Bundle includes 4 Armor Paint Jobs for Army, Atom Cats, Gunners and Vault-Tec. Craftable at an armor workbench. 300 (100 each) Skibadaa
FO4 CC - BoS Institute RR Minutemen armor paint job bundle
Brotherhood of Steel, Institute, Railroad, Minutemen Armor Paint Job Bundle
This Bundle includes 4 Armor Paint Jobs for Brotherhood of Steel, Institute, Railroad and Minutemen. Craftable at an armor workbench. 300 (100 each) Skibadaa
Fo4CC Faction Fashion Armor Skin Bundle
Faction Fashion Armor Skin Bundle
They say people wear their heart on their sleeves, and their faction everywhere else. Choose from the Children of Atom, Enclave, Reilly's Rangers, Tunnel Snakes and Pickman armor skins, and rep a group beyond the traditional Wasteland factions. Craftable at an armor workbench. 400 (100 each) Unknown
Fo4 CC - Variety Pack Pip-Boy Bundle
Variety Pack Pip-Boy Bundle
Give your Pip-Boy a splash of color with the Variety Bundle! Brighten it up with the Pop, Phenol Resin and Neon Sunrise paint, or mix in a taste of the outdoors with the Hawaii and Haida skins! Declare your allegiance with the Five-Star Red, or go for a ride with the classic Corvega! Craftable at an armor workbench. 300 (50 each) Unknown
FO4 CC - Camouflage Paint Job Bundle
Camouflage Paint Job Bundle
Contents are listed in their appropriate sections on this fandom page. This Bundle features the Swamp, Desert and Aquatic Camo Pip-Boy, Power Armor, Weapon, and Armor Paint Jobs. Craftable at an appropriate workbench. 750 Bethesda Game Studios logo

Limited time content[]

The following content has been discontinued and was only available for a limited time. It may be available again in the future.

Pip-Boy Paint Jobs
Item Description Obtaining Credits

Credits icon

FO4 Creation Club - PipBoy Grognak
Is all that advanced technology messing with your sward-and-sandal synergy? Nothing goes better with Grognak the Barbarian's telltale loincloth than this custom Pip-Boy skin. All the blood-spatter, none of the hassle! Craftable at an armor workbench. 100 (each) Bethesda Game Studios logo
FO4 Creation Club - Manta Man
Manta Man
Invoke the fabled master of the deep, even as you wander the Wasteland! This custom Manta Man Pip-Boy skin won't make you a member of the Unstoppables! But you'll feel like one!
FO4 Creation Club - Silver Shroud
Silver Shroud
Sporting that swanky Silver Shroud trench coat, but feeling like the outfit just isn't complete? Now you can shield the innocent and judge the guilty just like everyone's favorite crimefighter, with this sleek, custom Pip-Boy skin!
FO4 Creation Club - Mistress of Mystery
Mistress of Mystery
Resorting to righteous revenge? It's all in the wrist! Show off your furiously fluent footwork in style with this custom Mistress of Mystery Pip-Boy skin!
FO4 Creation Club - The Inspector
The Inspector
There's no clue too small, no spell too complex, for the marvelous magician detective… The Inspector! Now you can look the part, with this stylish, custom-designed Pip-Boy skin.
FO4 CC - PipBoy Patriotic
On Independence Day, this red-white-and-blue Pip-Boy skin will send the most important message of all: freedom… is the sovereign right of every American! Craftable at an armor workbench. 50 Bethesda Game Studios logo
Power Armor Paint Jobs
Item Description Obtaining Credits

Credits icon

FO4 Creation Club - Patriotic
Show the Commonwealth that Democracy is non-negotiable, with this collection of patriotic American-flag themed Power Armor paint jobs! Craftable at a power armor station. 100 Bethesda Game Studios logo
Armor Paint Jobs
Item Description Obtaining Credits

Credits icon

FO4 CC - Armor paint job Nuka-Cherry
Nuka-Cola Cherry
Show off new paints for your armor. Supported armor includes Combat, Metal, Synth and Leather. Craftable at a weapons workbench. Not sold separately (100) Skibadaa
Bundle Items Description Obtaining Credits

Credits icon

FO4 Creation Club - Rainbow PipBoy Paint Bundle
Rainbow Pip-Boy Paint Job Bundle
A paint job for every color under the Rainbow, and a few that aren't! Includes Chrome, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow, Onyx, White, Pink and Tan Paint Jobs. Together they are worth 550 credits. Craftable at an armor workbench. 500 (50 each) Bethesda Game Studios logo
FO4 Creation Club - Rainbow PA Paint Bundle
Rainbow Power Armor Paint Job Bundle
A paint job for every color under the Rainbow, and a few that aren't! Includes Chrome, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow, Onyx, White, Pink and Tan Paint Jobs. Together they are worth 1100 credits. Craftable at a power armor station. 800 (100 each) Bethesda Game Studios logo
FO4CC Halloween Skin Bundle
Halloween Skin Bundle
Frighten up your game with the Halloween Skin Bundle! Paint your weapons and armor with spooky bats or eerie Jack-o'-lanterns, and make yourself a Halloween costume to haunt the Commonwealth! Together are worth 400 credits. Craftable at an armor workbench and/or a weapons workbench. 300 (100 each) Bethesda Game Studios logo
Various Bundles These bundles only contain items that are already listed elsewhere on this fandom page. Multiple Multiple Multiple


  • A Pint-Sized Problem
  • A Place to Call Home
  • Best of Three
  • Burned on the River
  • Can You See Me Now?
  • Captain Cosmos
  • Carbonated Concerns
  • Combat Ready
  • Crucible
  • Deathmatch
  • Dog Rescue
  • Early Retirement
  • From Hell
  • Giddyup!
  • Holiday Spirits
  • Malevolent Malfunction
  • Method to the Madness
  • Neon Winter
  • Over the Moon
  • Pyromaniac
  • Shrouded Manor
  • Slocum's Joe
  • Speak of the Devil
  • The Endless War
  • The Good Fight
  • The Paper Mirror
  • The Prototype
  • The Quantum Stag
  • Tunnel Snakes Rule!
  • War Paint
  • Way Back Home


  • .44 pistol
    • Early Retirement
  • 10mm pistol
    • Classic 10mm pistol
    • Gen-4 10mm pistol
    • Silver sidearm
    • Ultimatum
  • Alien atomizer
  • Alien disintegrator
  • Alien shock baton
  • Anti-materiel rifle
  • BFG 9000
  • CR-74L combat rifle
  • Gauss rifle
  • Handmade shotgun
    • Triple-barrel handmade shotgun
  • Heavy incinerator
  • Manwell carbine
  • Manwell rifle
  • Pint-Sized Slasher knife
  • Solar cannon
    • Outcast
    • Solar cannon Mk.II
  • Steel sword
  • Tesla cannon
  • Thunderbolt

Armor and clothing[]

  • Institute renegade outfit
  • Tunnel Snakes outfit
  • Architect's winter jacket
  • Armored Nuka-Cola outfit
  • Armored Nuka-Cola Quantum outfit
  • Captain Cosmos space suit
  • Chinese stealth armor
  • Customizable vault jumpsuit
  • Customizable vault utility jumpsuit
  • Detective outfit
  • DJ's outfit
  • Doom Marine armor
  • Graphic t-shirts
  • Mercenary outfits
  • Morgan's space suit
  • Nuka-Cola t-shirt & cargo pants
  • Nuka-Cola t-shirt & leather pants
  • Nuka-Cola vest & jeans
  • Pint-Sized Slasher costume
  • Santa costume
  • Scavenger's Nuka-Cola outfit
  • Sexy Santa costume
  • Shroud outfit
  • Silver dress
  • Slocum's Joe t-shirt & jeans
  • Slocum's Joe uniform
  • Talon Company armor
  • Iron helmet
  • Modular military backpack
  • Silver wedding ring
  • Mary Jane's wedding ring
  • Dog deer antlers
  • Dog Santa hat
  • CC-00 power armor
  • Horse power armor
  • Hellfire power armor
  • X-02 power armor

Holodisks and notes[]


  • Ace 死亡
  • Alexandra Trumbull 死亡
  • Doc Amalee 死亡
  • Architect 死亡
  • Artis
  • B-263 死亡
  • Bob 死亡
  • Burner
  • Candy
  • Captain Carol Janssen
  • Caroni
  • Champions
  • Charlie 死亡
  • Connie 死亡
  • Connor
  • Dave 死亡
  • Dave Perkins 死亡
  • Dawson Wakefield
  • Deuce
  • Ellie 死亡
  • Emma 死亡
  • Farmer 死亡
  • Fisheye 死亡
  • Gael Vasquez 死亡
  • Hatton
  • Sergeant Hodges
  • Hunter 死亡
  • Ivy
  • Jack 死亡
  • Jenny 死亡
  • Johnny Morton
  • Larry 死亡
  • Lieutenant Lazanski 死亡
  • Maria Harper 死亡
  • Mary Jane 死亡
  • Captain Mercer 死亡
  • Mercy (Good Fight) 死亡
  • Mercy (From Hell)
  • Murderer
  • Nunez 死亡
  • Phil Goodman 死亡
  • Pyro
  • Queen 死亡
  • Raymond
  • Richie 死亡
  • Rod Stoddard
  • Roy Baker
  • Rudolph
  • Yuki (S.N.O.W.)
  • Scabby 死亡
  • Scratch 死亡
  • Silas
  • Sparrow 死亡
  • Stag hunter 死亡
  • Wally Mack
  • Wasteland Joe 死亡
  • Zane 死亡


  • Charlestown condo
  • Hub 360 Hubris film studio
  • GNR building plaza
  • Neon Flats
  • Noir penthouse
  • Nu Cafe Ola
  • Shroud Manor

Upcoming content[]

  • Customizable vault jumpsuit
    Behind every vault suit is a number, and with Vault-Tec, every number has its own story! With this content, you can modify or clean your suit at any armor workbench or try out a more classic look with utility jumpsuits from the Capital Wasteland!
    Choose any vault number between 1 and 120 and pick from seven different colors to help you customize your suit.
  • Virtual Reality Workshops
    Travel to new worlds from the comfort of your settlement with the VR Workshop! Featuring limitless resources, huge building limits, placeable enemy spawners for your own custom encounters, and a selection of weather, music and visual filters to choose from. Simply craft a new VR pod and hook it up to a power source and a terminal and you can transport yourself to a series of exotic landscapes and iconic Fallout locations like Grid World, Atomic Crater, Desert Island and the Capital Wasteland’s GNR Plaza. This bundle includes 40 new workshop items, most of which can also be crafted in your real-world workshops.


  • Creations occasionally receive updates. These will need to be manually downloaded from the Creation Club's update tab.
  • New releases and sale rotation usually happen on Thursdays.
  • Some items may only be available for a limited time, sometimes even just a single day.
  • Most limited-time content has seen a return. These items can be part of a bundle.
  • The "Virtual Workshop" creation will show up in the installation files as four different creations.


If one has too many Creation Club creations installed, it will result in the 0kb bug, in which the system will refuse to save and says that one must delete another application or video clip larger than 0kb. The only way to fix this is to uninstall the game and reinstall it, downloading only a limited amount of the creations at a time. [確認済み]
  • This bug can still trigger without any Creation Club content installed. [1]


See also[]

