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Fallout 76 upcoming content

A New Threat は、Fallout 4 DLC Automatronクエストおよび実績です。

Quick walkthrough[]

Detailed walkthrough[]

このクエストはMechanical Menaceクリア後に発生します. 唯一の生存者はエイダの話にあったゼネラルアトミクス・ファクトリーに向かう必要がありました。 Once there, they have to fight their way through the factory. At the far end of the factory, the player will find a Quantum Robobrain. Killing and looting it will give the player the Mechanist device. The Sole Survivor then gives it to Ada who says it is a satellite tracking device. Ada tell them to install it in her so they can use it to their advantage. To do this, the player has to place Ada in a Robot workbench which they must build in one of their settlements. Once it is installed on Ada, she will say that in order to utilise it, they have to kill another Robobrain somewhere in the Commonwealth that is using the same signal. Ada tells the Sole Survivor she needs them to bring her two additional beacons to decrypt the encryption on the signal. When she says this, she places the locations of the Robobrains onto the player's map and the quest ends.

Quest stages[]

1 ゼネラルアトミクス・ファクトリーを探索する
10 ロボブレインを探す
20 エイダと話す
30 ロボットワークベンチを作成する
40 エイダと話す
50 エイダにラジオビーコンをインストールする
60 エイダと話す
70Quest finishedQuest complete

