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FO76 ui exploration team
Pour l'extension, voir Mothership Zeta (extension).

Gametitle-FO3 MZ
Gametitle-FO3 MZ

Zeta is one of two known alien motherships orbiting Earth in 2277. It has been observing the planet for over 600 years.[1]


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  • Cellules
  • Centre du rayon de la mort
  • Chaîne d'assemblage de robots
  • Chambre de décompression
  • Chaufferie
  • Commandement du rayon de la mort
  • Gestion des déchets
  • Hangar
  • Labo d'armement
  • Labo d'expérimentation
  • Labo recherche
  • Laboratoire biologique
  • Laboratoire cryogénique
  • Niveau d'entretien
  • Passerelle
  • Pont d'observation
  • Quartiers
  • Salle des machines
  • Salle des machines
  • Sortie spatiale
  • Stockage cryogénique
  • Soute


  • According to the description of the amplified alien blaster in Fallout Shelter, a weapon of its power is usually reserved for a Zetan cruiser. This refers to Fallout 4, where the Aliens are identified as Zetans.
  • After This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough..., only Bridge, engineering core, steamworks and holding cells can be entered. The other doors will be marked as "inaccessible".
  • It seems that the alien captain of the ship or some other ranking alien can broadcast itself throughout the ship as a hologram.
  • Companions will not follow the Lone Wanderer onto the ship even after beating the last quest. However, contrary to the previous add-ons, followers will wait next to the homing beacon upon boarding, with the exception being Dogmeat, as he returns to Vault 101.
  • Many of the chairs on the ship throw off a spray of blood when struck with a melee weapon. Unlike the aliens, the chairs bleed red.
  • When wearing the spacesuit, the left sleeve has been replaced by the Lone Wanderer Pip-Boy, with its trademark fingertip-less glove. This glove remains fingerless when the depressurization chamber is depressurized, even though this would cause considerable pain and swelling in real life.
  • Taking the spacesuit off during the space walk results in the Lone Wanderer's head exploding.
  • If Initiate Pek was saved at Falls Church, Paladin Hoss, the unnamed Paladin, and Pek may randomly appear somewhere on the ship. They will not aid the Lone Wanderer but try and reach the bridge to get back to Earth.
  • On one of the captive recordings (subtitles may be needed to see what it says) one of the captives, who is a high ranking officer, can be heard talking about how he has the codes for a part of the U.S.'s ICBM arsenal[2] hinting that the aliens launched the United States' missiles at China. However, it's equally likely that the officer was merely offering the most sensitive information at his disposal believing it's what the aliens wanted, as the ability to clearly communicate specific questions to humans seems to elude the Aliens in many recordings.


Zeta appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on Mothership Zeta.



  1. Toshiro Kago was abducted sometime during the Tokugawa shogunate, starting in March 24, 1603, since mon (crests) were only authorized for all classes from that date.
  2. Alien captive recorded log 17
Satellites et vaisseaux spatiaux

Modèle:Navbox Mothership Zeta
