
Modèle:Spoil Modèle:Walkthrough Modèle:Stub



L'Unique Survivant est le personnage joueur et le protagoniste principal de Fallout 4. Selon le sexe sélectionné par le joueur, l'Unique Survivant est soit le mari soit la femme d'une famille d'Avant-Guerre et a un fils, Shaun.


Selon le choix du joueur, l'Unique Survivant est soit un homme, vétéran des Forces Armées des États-Unis ou une femme diplomée d'une école de droit. Selon les enregistrements d'Avant-guerre qui nous donnés par l'Observateursur l'USS Constitution, le mari a servi dans le 2ème Bataillon du 108ème Régiment d'infanterie, quant à la femme, elle est avocate.

À un certain moment au cours de la guerre sino-américaine, l'Unique Survivant est marié, a un fils, Shaun et a acheté un majordome robotique nommé Codsworth. Le 23 Octobre 2077, l'Unique Survivant se prépare pour aller à un événement au Hall des Vétérans[1] à Concord[2] quand un représentant de la société Vault-Tec sonne à la porte pour les informer qu'ils ont été sélectionnés pour faire partie des résidents de l'Abri 111.

Après un petit moment, une annonce passe à la télévision informant que des détonations nucléaires ont été signalés, forçant l'Unique Survivant et sa famille à se précipiter à l'Abri 111.

Alors qu'ils sont sur le point d'entrer dans l'Abri, on voit au loin une explosion nucléaire. Lorsque la porte de l'Abri s'ouvre enfin, la déflagration de l'onde de choc projette les résidents présents à terre. Une fois dans l'Abri, les résidents sont conduits dans des cellules de cryogénisation sous prétexte de les décontaminer.

L'Unique Survivant est gardé en état cryogénisation jusqu'en 2227, le premier réveil permet d'assister à l'enlèvement de son fils ainsi qu'au meurtre du partenaire par 2 personnes inconnus ainsi qu'une autre personne hors du champ de vision. Replongé une seconde fois dans un état cryogénique, l'Unique Survivant sort enfin de sa cellule et de l'Abri 111 dans le courant de l'année 2287 soit 210 ans après la Grande Guerre en n'ayant qu'une seul idée en tête : retrouver l'assassin du partenaire et retrouver son fils.

Retour à la maison

L'Unique Survivant se dirige vers Sanctuary Hills, à présent en ruine suite à l'explosion nucléaire. Il y retrouve Codsworth, son majordome robotique, perdu qui lui révèle que plus de 210 ans se sont écoulés depuis leur dernière rencontre. N'ayant plus rien à faire à Sanctuary Hills, Codsworth demande donc à l'Unique Survivant d'aller inspecter Concord. Une fois sur place, l'Unique Survivant rencontre Preston Garvey - l'un des derniers Miliciens du Commonwealth - et un groupe de colons retranché dans le Musée de la Liberté au prise avec un rassemblement de pillard et d'un écorcheur. Vous pouvez par la suite les aider à voyager et à s'établir dans les ruines de Sanctuary Hills.

A la recherche de Réponse

After helping Garvey and his group, the player is instructed to go to Diamond City, a settlement based in Fenway Park where they meet Piper Wright, the city's reporter, who tells the player character to seek out the city's detective Nick Valentine who is revealed to have been missing two weeks prior to the Sole Survivor's arrival in Diamond City. After finding Valentine, they learn the identity and location of their spouse's killer, a man named Conrad Kellogg. Tracking him down, Kellogg reveals that Shaun is in The Institute, a secretive organization feared by the people of the Commonwealth, that is based below the ruins of the Commonwealth Institute of Technology. The player then kills Kellogg and retrieves a cybernetic implant from his brain. After some consultation with Nick and Piper, they head to Goodneighbor where they first encounter John Hancock, the self-appointed ghoul mayor of the town, and get help from Doctor Amari, a scientist skilled in neuroscience. The doctor assists the Sole Survivor in viewing the dead mercenary's memories and discovering that the Institute uses teleportation as the means of travel between their facility and the surface. During their hunt for Kellogg, the Survivor also witnesses the arrival of the Brotherhood of Steel in an airship called The Prydwen, their mobile airship HQ.

The Threat Within

After viewing Kellogg's memories, the player is then tasked to go to the Glowing Sea - the ground zero of the nuclear blast during the intro sequence - to find Brian Virgil, an ex-Institute scientist who specialized in researching the Forced Evolutionary Virus, who has escaped and gone into hiding, to get help in infiltrating the shadowy organization. Virgil, now mutated into a super mutant by prolonged FEV exposure, mentions that the player must kill an Institute Courser - one of the most advanced creations of the Institute, designed to be stronger, faster and smarter than average human beings - to get a special chip from it in order to access the Institute. Once the chip is retrieved, the player is directed to find The Railroad, a secret organization that works to free synths from the Institute's control and give them normal lives in the Commonwealth, since only one of its members, Tinker Tom, can decode the chip and get the frequency code used by the Institute to teleport.

A Meeting Long Overdue

The player then heads back to Virgil, who gives them a blueprint of a device that hijacks the frequency of the Institute's Molecular Relay. After retrieving the blueprints, the Survivor must seek assistance from one of the three factions: the Minutemen, Railroad, or the Brotherhood. Once the device is built, the player infiltrates the Institute to find their son. After finding a synth based on a young Shaun, it is revealed that the real Shaun was kidnapped in 2227, sixty years prior to the Survivor's release from cryogenic sleep, and is now an old man, entitled Father, and the current leader of the Institute.

The Fate of Humanity

From now on the Survivor faces a choice that will greatly affect the Commonwealth and its people. They can side with Shaun and help the Institute in securing the Commonwealth by destroying the Railroad and the Brotherhood of Steel (The Minutemen can be persuaded to ally with the Institute after passing a few difficult speech checks). They can inversely side against Shaun by assisting one of the factions; the Railroad in destroying the Institute and the Brotherhood in order to free and protect the synths; the Brotherhood of Steel in destroying the Institute and the Railroad in order to exterminate all synths; the Minutemen in destroying the Institute (and the Brotherhood of Steel if made hostile to the player) in order to protect the Commonwealth. Either of the four choices results in Shaun's death, this being due to either the cancer he'd developed by then, or by the Survivor's hand.

At the very end, the synth child Shaun will refer to the Sole Survivor as its parent and asks them if he can go live with them anywhere in the Commonwealth to be a family. If the Survivor agrees, the synth child then gives the player character a holotape from the real Shaun with a message that differs depending if the player sides with the Institute or not. In the holotape, the real Shaun tells his parent that he wishes they would give the synth child a chance to live as a family since Shaun himself never had the chance to with the Sole Survivor. The Sole Survivor then contemplates on the events that transpired and says that "This isn't the world I wanted, but it's the one I found myself in" and that they are now ready for anything comes ahead because they know that "War. War never changes."


  • Tout comme le Vagabond Solitaire de Fallout 3, l'Unique Survivant est accompagné par un chien dans la bande-annonce du jeu.
  • L'Unique Survivant est le tout premier protagoniste doublé en intégralité dans la série Fallout.
  • Contrairement aux autres jeux, la personnalisation du joueur se fait sans barre de défilement. Le personnage se tient devant un miroir et altère ses attributs faciaux avec un curseur. Lorsqu'on fait des changements, l'époux/épouse se tient derrière l'Unique Survivant et fait des commentaires sur lesdits changements. On peut changer le sexe du personnage à ce moment, le personnage masculin par défaut laisse alors sa place au personnage féminin qui devient la protagoniste.
  • Une fois le sexe de l'Unique Survivant choisi, l'autre deviendra un personnage non-joueur.
  • L'un des attributs faciaux concernant les cheveux dans le jeu s'appelle "Vagabond Solitaire", en référence au protagoniste du même nom dans Fallout 3.
  • L'apparence de l'Unique Survivant affecte également celle de Shaun.
  • Certains personnages peuvent appeler le joueur par son nom, puisque Bethesda a enregistré plus de 1000 noms populaires pour les utiliser dans le jeu. Cela inclut également les noms réels et ceux créés par humour.
  • L'Unique Survivant aura la possibilité de séduire n'importe quel compagnon humain quel que soit son sexe.


  • Codsworth can refer to the player character by name as Bethesda has recorded over a thousand popular names for use in-game. This includes both real names and joke names.[3] A list of names can be found here.
  • The Sole Survivor has the option to romance many of their human companions, except Deacon. In addition, the Survivor may romance some synths, such as Curie and Danse, and the ghoul Hancock.
  • The Sole Survivor is the first player character to have lived in the pre-War era.
  • According to dialogue from Jack Cabot and their past accomplishments in pre-War life, the Sole Survivor's birth date is reasonably anywhere between the early 2040's to mid 2050's.
  • Prior to the release of the game, the universal default name for the male Sole Survivor was Mr. Howard. This was due to Bethesda Softworks director Todd Howard using this name during Bethesda's first E3 presentation.
  • The title of Sole Survivor is never actually used in-game. In-game radio refers to the protagonist as the Vault Dweller. However, they do sometimes call themselves the "only survivor", notably while in Vault 81.
  • If one lets Desdemona pick a Railroad code name for the Sole Survivor, her choice will be "Wanderer", a possible reference to the Lone Wanderer of Fallout 3, or the song "The Wanderer", played on Diamond City Radio.
  • When interacting with the dog bowl in the intro to the game, the Sole Survivor will quote "Never gonna find that dog", implying that the Sole Survivor owned a dog before the Great War.
  • Dialogue between the Sole Survivor and their spouse reveals that Shaun was conceived after the two had sex at a park. When Nate suggests going to the park, Nora's sarcastic response option is, "Oh, right. The Park. With you. Because I want to get pregnant AGAIN."
  • Interestingly, if one skips dialogue during conversations they may hear the Survivor mumble sarcastic comments about the NPC they are talking to instead of just "mmmh" and "alright"-for example they might say "Nice hat" when talking to Nick Valentine, "Minutemen, jesus" when talking to Preston Garvey or "Ugh, old people" when talking to Mama Murphy.
  • After consuming alcohol, the Sole Survivor will attempt to initiate dialogue with NPCs in a slurred and stereotypical drunk fashion.
  • Depending on the character's gender, certain dialogues will change accordingly: for example when Preston tells the Survivor they are a one of the "good guys", a female character has a choice to say "I don't know how to break this to you, but I'm not a guy"
  • The Sole Survivor is chronologically the oldest playable character in the Fallout franchise.
  • In Far Harbor, DiMA questions if the Sole Survivor is really a synth instead of a human. The response can vary from complete denial to a staggered admittance of truth.
  • The Sole Survivor's title is somewhat ironic as the Sole Survivor isn't the only survivor of Vault 111 seeing as how Shaun also left the vault alive.

Notable quotes

Modèle:Notable content

Citations notable

Modèle:Notable content


  • "On y va mon pote."
  • "Prêt à tout faire péter ?"
  • "Ça fait du bien d'être de retour."
  • "Qu'est-ce que tu en dit, chérie ? Barbe, ou pas barbe ?"
  • "Sugar Bombs. Cent pourcents de valeur quotidienne de sucre."
  • "Nuka Cola, servez glacé." (Traduction non-littérale)


L'Unique Survivant n'apparaît que dans Fallout 4.



  1. Nora: "You're going to knock them dead at the Veterans' Hall tonight, hon."
  2. Fraternal Post 115 terminal entries: Speech Memo
  3. Lengthy Look at QuakeCon: Page 1, paragraph 7

Modèle:Navbox Personnages Joueur
