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Les Samaritains représentent un organisme d'aide au sinistre opérant dans les Appalaches après la Grande Guerre, dévouée à aider les communautés locales à survivre. En 2102, cette faction avait été anéantie. Cependant, lorsque les gens revinrent vivre dans les Appalaches, en 2103, des personnes comme Heather Ellis commencèrent à ressusciter les Samaritains.
After the Great War, Appalachia's emergency personnel mobilized to help their fellow citizens. These Responders became part government, part crisis relief. The Responders provided automated survival training to anyone in need. And it was needed quite a bit. Survival and security became paramount after the devastation of the Great War, and the Responders desperately tried to help as many of their neighbors as they could. Their goals included helping people who made it through the nuclear holocaust or were born after the dust has settled. They set up numerous locations across West Virginia in a bid to establish some semblance of law and order.[3]
Charleston became the heart of Appalachian reconstruction with the Responders at the forefront - then still considered "just" the first responders, the city had an actual shot at rebuilding fast and hard. Problems with the sheer volume of refugees, however, forced them to deny requests for aid and supplies that could not be handled on the spot. That included survivors from the Pleasant Valley Ski Resort. Humiliated and left without help, the survivors banded together under David Thorpe, a cold and brutal man who turned them into a terrifying raider warband. It proved to be a costly mistake.[4]
Christmas Flood[]
Charleston grew in the meantime and by 2082, a raider war band led by Rosalynn Jeffries was routed handily by the Responders, after they were spotted early. Rosalynn was injured and taken prisoner along with some of the other raiders. By then, the Responders were more or less running things in the city, and were doing well. their confidence made them attempt a confrontation: Face the raiders on their home turf, in the mountains, and see if they could make a deal. The Responders hoped they could get them to leave them alone in exchange for prisoners. They were wrong. Thorpe was convinced that Rosalynn was dead and wanted revenge. Using mini-nukes stolen from the Appalachian Brotherhood of Steel, he blew up the Summersville Dam on Christmas morning, 2082.[5]
In a flash, the Responders lost almost everything: Homes, supplies and most of their friends and family. Although they suffered under the devastation, they survived, keeping the idea of the Responders alive and resettling at the Morgantown Airport.[6]
Despite the devastation, the Responders did not give up. Morgantown proved to be a jackpot, as after containing the trouble with the local gangs, they had a centrally-located base, distance between them and the nearest raider clans in the mountains, and contact with the Free States and the Appalachian Brotherhood of Steel. They even expanded into Flatwoods[7] and began restarting some of the old infrastructure in the town to produce food and provide security.[8]
Their access to food, medicine, and other essential supplies was the foundation of their relationship with the Free States and the Brotherhood, with caravans crossing through the Savage Divide regularly. Four years after the flood, in January 2086, they reached the apex of their power and influence as they fought against the super mutants in Huntersville alongside power-armored troops of Paladin Taggerdy. The victory seemed to signal the beginning of a new era for Appalachia, as the Responders and Brotherhood forged an alliance and their patrols even managed to suppress the mountain raiders (those not already taken care of by the elusive Order of Mysteries).[9]
However, things would not go their way. The Enclave, hidden away from prying eyes, split apart in the civil war after President Thomas Eckhart decided to have his way and force the automated security systems to raise the DEFCON level by releasing sulfuries on Appalachia, after subjecting it to Chinese drones, the Huntersville mutants, and other monstrosities. The civil war that destroyed the faction set the scorchbeasts loose, which rapidly infested the Cranberry Bog and started spreading out into the adjacent areas. The appearance of the scorched was a shock to all survivors who came into contact with them, as was the plague they spread. The Responders decided to fight back, organizing a special fighting force called the Fire Breathers using the experience of Melody Larkin and Hank Madigan, a Brotherhood deserter, to train and organize the elite fighters. They would face the horrors of the wasteland and protect the lands west of the Appalachians from the scorched.[10]
Failure of vision[]
However, the Responders failed to consider the big picture. Maria Chavez, their de facto leader, did not believe the threat was as severe as the Brotherhood made it out to be and disliked their militarism and repeated demands for supplies. What just a few years earlier promised to be a long-lasting alliance was unraveling fast, culminating on March 12, 2095, when the Brotherhood demanded information about Amy Kerry's project. At gunpoint. Although Chavez relented, the relations were soured permanently.[11] The fall of the Brotherhood in August 2095 left the Responders alone on the board and it was a matter of time until the scorchbeasts finally took them out. The raiders, desperately fleeing the Savage Divide, swept through the Forest, taking out many of the Responder outposts, including Flatwoods.
The Responder leadership realized their mistake, but too late to make a difference. The research project into a scorched vaccine at AVR Medical Center was launched too late to provide a cure in time to protect the Fire Breathers. By September 2096, all of the pieces were in place to create it, but communications breakdowns due to constant scorched attacks prevented Dr Hudson from completing it and the Fire Breathers were forced to launch their operation to seal the Big Bend Tunnel and buy time for Appalachia without it. The operation took place in late October and failed. So did Hank Madigan on his attempt to establish the Scorched Detection System developed in conjunction with the Free States, captured and killed by the raiders. Finally, Morgantown Airport fell after a desperate defense against hordes of sulfuries and their minions on November 7th, 2096. The Responders were wiped out.[12]
By 2102, nearly all of these locations have been overrun by mutants or were otherwise lost, leaving behind a plethora of artifacts and functional equipment for dwellers emerging from Vault 76 to pick over and use to rebuild civilization... Again.[3]
The Responders had a decentralized, horizontal structure designed to address the needs of people under their care and aid them in need. Regular supply trains were established between the nearby farms and the Responder headquarters, with full members assigned to their protection, such as Jerry Abernathy. For rapid response in emergencies, the Responders also established an emergency response team, trained by Felix O'Dell and consisting of Derek Castle (guard and escort), Veronica Chang and Kevin Trayjor (field medics).[13]
In the early years, Responders largely operated under their pre-existing chains of command (police, paramedics, firefighters, etc.), ignoring attempts by the Charleston Emergency Government to assert their leadership over them. However, this early structure was far from unified and required a good deal of tact and diplomacy to keep them from falling apart. This problem was exposed less than a year after the war, when the responders grappled with the problem of Chief Mayfield's heavy-handed rule of Morgantown. After he ordered his police officers to open fire on the rebellious VTU students and imposed a mandatory curfew, Melody Larkin realized that moving on him would risk splitting law enforcement responders from the organization.[14]
Ironically, it was the Charleston Flood that solidified the leadership structured and forced it to reform into a much more efficient, united structure. After relocating operations to Morgantown Airport, the faction was effectively guided by five senior members: Maria Chavez (senior Responder and de facto leader), Claire Hudson (chief medical officer), Sanjay Kumar (chief engineer), Melody Larkin (combat trainer), and Jeff Nakamura (quartermaster). However, the division of labor was handled on a merit basis, with the senior Responders working together with junior members. The Fire Breathers combat unit was a notable exception, operating with a strict chain of command under Melody, as a matter of necessity.
- Samaritain senior : De factor leadership of the organization, typically people who have been with the organization since the beginning.
- Samaritain : Membre de la faction dont l'entraînement était complètement achevé. Il avaient chacun une mission, une spécialité et un logement attitré. Le rôle des Samaritains était d'aider tout le monde, y compris les volontaires et les candidats.
- Têtes Brûlées : An elite combat unit specializing in fighting in toxic areas of the wasteland, especially the Ash Heap.
- Volontaire : Ils étaient en dessous du grade des Samaritains et avaient pour mission d'aider les autres. Comme pour les Samaritains, ils avaient également des missions, des spécialités et des logements attitrés. Les survivants s'enregistraient en tant que volontaire auprès d'un Samaritain ou à un kiosque d'inscription en libre service. Les survivants et les candidats au volontariat deviennent des volontaires en participant à deux expériences et/ou à des sessions de formation.
- Candidat au volontariat : Il s'agit du grade le plus bas et réservé aux candidats jugés trop jeunes pour devenir volontaire ou Samaritain. À l'âge de 13 ans, les candidats au volontariat pouvaient être promus au rang de volontaire. Alors que les candidats ont un logement attitré, ils n'avaient pas de mission attribuée, ni de spécialité.
Conduit par Melody Larkin, le département fut constitué avec pour objectif l'exploration de la Cendrière peu de temps après la formation des Samaritains.[15] Ce dernier était basé dans l'ancienne caserne de Charleston et était constitué d'un mélange de pompiers de Charleston d'avant-guerre et de volontaires d'après-guerre. Les personnages joueurs peuvent devenir des Têtes brûlées en passant les examens nécessaires durant la quête Dans la fournaise.
Flatwoods Paramedics[]
Their cosmetic uniform is rewarded upon the completion of the main questline in Flatwoods. Along with the primary Responder forces in Flatwoods, they provided medical services and helped in recruiting efforts before the Scorched overran Morgantown Airport.
Responders' Police Force[]
Their uniform is rewarded upon the completion of the main questline in Morgantown.
- Morgantown P.D. - assisted in the large scale defense of Morgantown Airport and also protected civilians within the city itself. Most of the police force was wiped out in the failed defense against the Scorched, and many police officers are seen to have turned into Scorched themselves.
- Charleston P.D. - responsible for maintaining law and order in the city of Charleston, they were wiped out along with most of the city following their capture of raider Rosalynn Jeffries, which her partner David Thorpe responded to by stealing a mini nuke and destroying Summersville Dam in what would come to be called The Christmas Flood.
Responders relied heavily on existing infrastructure and equipment they recovered from police, medical, and firefighting units across Appalachia. Most notably, they had a large network of repurposed Protectrons and Eyebots to assist the community and automate training and labor, even though they tended to be a little unreliable due to mechanical jams and faulty programming. Sanjay Kumar and Miguel Caldera were indispensible for maintaining the fleet and keeping it operational.[16]
Garde forestière[]
The Forest Watch was an automated network of robots established to monitor the Forest region, where the Responders operated. Primarily an early warning system, it was established to compensate for the Responder attrition rate due to the pressure from the raiders, Scorched, and other problems. Robots were easier to replace, maintain, and allowed monitoring around the clock. Sanjay Kumar and Chelsea McKee were responsible for establishing and maintaining the network. Their work proved to be particularly resilient, as the Watch remained active as late as 2102, broadcasting automated alerts about rogue robots, massing mutated wolf packs and other warnings. They proved indispensable to the Vault 76 dwellers in their re-emergence.[17][18][19]
Outside relations[]
The Responders had an uneasy relationship with the Brotherhood of Steel, as the Brotherhood tried to recruit skilled Responders away to join the fledgling Appalachian chapter. The organization did not have the equipment or expertise that came with being a former military unit like the Brotherhood, as much of their equipment came from their origins as civilian emergency services, meaning members of that caliber were both needed and in short supply. Like the Brotherhood, the Responders fought against the encroaching Scorched, and also researched a means to develop a vaccine against the Scorched plague, but their efforts ultimately fell short and they were wiped out some time before Vault 76 opened. There is evidence of a Responders Radio station that operated prior to the group's destruction.[20]
Membres notables[]
- Membres seniors
- Maria Chavez (Samaritain senior)
- Claire Hudson (Officier médical en chef)
- Sanjay Kumar (Ingénieur en chef)
- Melody Larkin (Entraînement au combat)
- Jeff Nakamura (Quartier-maître)
- Têtes Brûlées
- Voir membres connus
- Équipe d'intervention rapide
- Derek Castle (Garde/escorte)
- Veronica Chang (Médecine de terrain)
- Kevin Trayjor (Médecine de terrain)
- Convoi de ravitaillement
- Jerry Abernathy (Garde/escorte)
- Projet Garde forestière
- Sanjay Kumar (Ingénieur en chef)
- Chelsea McKee (Mecanicienne)
- Major Crimes Division
- Atkins (Charleston)
- Goldman (Décédé)
- Smith (Charleston)
- Flatwoods
- Dassa Ben-Ami (leader)
- Miguel Caldera (robiticien)
- Colonel (Volontaire)
- Kesha McDermott (spécialiste du traitement de l'eau)
- Delbert Winters (cuisinier et entraîneur)
- Charleston
- Tiffany Brantley (2103; Fire Breather initiate)
- Autres
- Lucas de Blaison (Volontaire)
- Darion Jones (Fabrication de munitions)
- Cullen McLeeder (Volontaire)
- Felix O'Dell (Formateur de l'équipe d'intervention d'urgence)
- Scott Shepherd (Infirmier)
- David Strauss (Informaticien)
- Lillian Thompkins (Approvisionnement)
- Garry Wilkins (Postier)
- Sofie Yates (Volontaire)
- Ryan Zelnack (Expert en drogue)
- Marcus Haines
- Robots
- Bernie (Têtes Brûlées)
- Responders vendor (The Whitespring Resort)
- Vendor bot Responder (various)
- Vendor bot Responder (rencontre aléatoire)
- Steelheart (Morgantown)
- Mr. Fluffy (Aéroport de Morgantown)
- Vendor bot Bob (Flatwoods)
- Vendor bot Chad (Camden Park)
- Vendor bot Greg (Grafton)
- Mack le robot marchand (Charleston)
Interactions avec le personnage joueur[]
- The Responders are the first trace of survivors the player characters are likely to find after leaving Vault 76, with the mummified body of a volunteer in a Red Rocket jumpsuit found leaning against a lamp on the terrace outside. Registering as a Responder Volunteer is an indirect part of the First Contact quest, where the player characters are told to find the Vault 76 overseer in Flatwoods. They can use the still-active self-register kiosks to start their registration as a certified Responder, starting Thirst Things First. The main quest then leads the player to join the Fire Breathers, an elite unit of the Responders, before setting them loose on Appalachia.
- Responder vendors are located primarily at train stations and their strongholds.
- Train stations with Responder vendors: Grafton Station, Morgantown Station, Charleston Station, Welch Station, and Lewisburg Station.
- Other vendor bots are found at the Flatwoods church, Entrées de terminal de l'aéroport de Morgantown, Camden Park and Charleston Fire Department.
Responder vendorbots offer the following items:
- Ammo
- Gunpowder, .45 caliber, 10mm, .38 caliber, .44, shotgun shells.
- Consumables
- Stimpak, Rad-X, blood pack, plus various raw and processed meat-based consumables.
- Components (bulk)
- Adhesive, aluminum, gears, wood.
- Mods
- Excavator power armor mods plus random nearly all mods.
- Weapons (melee)
- Board, knuckles, meat hook, boxing glove, pool cue, rolling pin, switchblade, tire iron, walking cane, shovel, Bowie knife, drill, fire axe, golf club, gatchet, pickaxe, pitchfork, sickle, baseball bat, baton, knife, lead pipe, machete, and sledgehammer.
- Weapons (ranged)
- .44 pistol, pump-action shotgun, 10mm pistol, hunting rifle, pipe gun (regular), and tomahawks.
- Weapon plans
- Workshop plans
- Armor
- Random metal and leather armor pieces, generic underarmors.
Les Samaritains apparaissent uniquement dans l'extension Wastelanders de Fallout 76.
- Pour les besoins du défi "Augmenter de niveau en portant" nécessitant un uniforme samaritain, l'uniforme de police classique compte.
- ↑ Lettre en colère de Sharon
- ↑ Fallout Twitter
- ↑ 3,0 et 3,1 Fallout 76 Official Game Guide
- ↑ Le Raz-de-marée de Noël
- ↑ Le Raz-de-marée de Noël
- ↑ Entrées de terminal de Charleston
- ↑ Entrées de terminal de Flatwoods
- ↑ Event: Feed the People
- ↑ Entrées de terminal du Manoir Riverside
- ↑ Lt. Thomas' Action Report
- ↑ Entrées de terminal de Tygart Water Treatment
- ↑ Entrées de terminal du Centre médical AVR
- ↑ Entrées de terminal de l'aéroport de Morgantown
- ↑ Charleston Capitol Building terminal entries; Poole's terminal, Morgantown
- ↑ The Fire Breathers
- ↑ Responder protectron config tape
- ↑ Entrées de terminal de l'aéroport de Morgantown ; Terminal du QG des Samaritains, Autres membres
- ↑ Sol fertile message : " Message automatique. La Garde forestière ne détecte plus aucun signe de superviseurs. Bon travail. L'équipe de Samaritains doit se diriger au centre agricole et pénétrer son système pour réinitialiser les paramètres de ciblage des Farmhands. La population de ce secteur devrait être en sécurité avec ça. Faites attention."
- ↑ Morgantown terminal entries; Responders HQ terminal, Day 24
- ↑ Entrées de terminal du Manoir Riverside