
Modèle:Navbox overviews FO3 Modèle:OverviewintroModèle:Games


Name Locations Add-on Faction ID
Big Town resident - BigTownFaction
Brotherhood Outcasts Operation: Anchorage BrotherhoodOutcastFaction
Brotherhood of Steel Broken Steel BrotherhoodSteelFaction
Chinese remnants
  • Mama Dolce's
  • Broadcast Tower KT8
- ChineseGhoulFaction
Enclave Broken Steel EnclaveFaction
The Family
  • Meresti Metro station
- MS09TheFamilyFriendly
Lamplight resident - LamplightResidentFaction
Littlehorn & Associates
  • Scrapyard
- PerkContractKillerLocationFaction
Megaton resident - MegatonResidentFaction


Pitt raiders
  • The Pitt
The Pitt DLC01PittRaiderFaction
Pitt slaves
  • The Pitt
The Pitt DLC01PittSlaveFaction
  • Evergreen Mills
  • Bethesda ruins
  • Montgomery County Reservoir
  • Kaelyn's Bed & Breakfast
  • Springvale school
  • East of the Flooded metro
  • Super-Duper Mart
  • SatCom Array NN-03d
  • Grisly diner
  • The raid shack
  • Wheaton armory
  • Alexandria Arms
  • Fairfax ruins
  • Cliffside cavern
  • Most Metro Tunnels
- RaiderFaction
The Railroad -
  • Regulator HQ
- RegulatorFaction


Reilly's Rangers
  • Ranger compound
- ReillysRangersFaction
Rivet City Council - RCCityCouncil
Rivet City resident - RCResidentFaction
Rivet City security Broken Steel RCSecurityFaction
Republic of Dave
  • Republic of Dave
- RepublicOfDaveFaction
Talon Company
  • Fort Bannister
  • Talon Company camp
  • Talon Company outpost
  • SatCom Array NW-05a
- TalonCompany
Super mutants
  • Vault 87
  • The Capitol building
  • Roosevelt Academy
  • Clifftop shacks
  • Chryslus Building
  • Hallowed Moors Cemetery
  • The Mall
- SuperMutantFaction
Vault 101 security
  • Vault 101
- Vault101SecurityFaction
Slavers - SlaverFaction

ParadiseFallsSlaverFaction SlaverMemorialFaction

Tenpenny resident - TenpennyTowerResidentFaction
Tenpenny Security guards - TenpennyGuardFaction
Underworld resident - UnderworldGhoulFaction



Name Locations Add-on Faction ID
Apostles of the Holy Light
  • Holy Light Monastery
Broken Steel DLC03WQ03ApostlesFaction
Church of the Children of Atom - MegatonChurchOfAtomFaction
Point Lookout tribals
  • Ark & Dove cathedral
Point Lookout DLC04TribalFriendlyFaction
Saint Monica's Church (Christian) - SaintMonicaFriends
Treeminders - MS10OasisFaction
Abbey of the Road (Christian)
  • Disaster relief outpost
Point Lookout