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Même sans aucune pièce supplémentaire, un châssis d'armure assistée offre de nombreux avantages, comme une charge maximale plus importante, de meilleurs dégâts au corps à corps et l'élimination des dégâts liés aux chutes.GSRA No.9717

Le châssis d'armure assistée est la base de toutes les armures assistées dans Fallout 4.


Toutes les pièces d'armure assistée peuvent être installé sur un châssis d'armure assistée et mélangé à d'autres éléments d'autres types d'armures assistées.

Un poste d'armure assistée doit être utilisé pour modifier les éléments d'armure assistée.

Le châssis de base fournit 60 de résistance aux dégâts, et de la résistance à l'énergie. Les effets des vêtements et des armures portés sous le châssis sont annihilés. Il définit également la force de base à 11, ce qui peut entraîner des effets négatifs sur la capacité de transport. Bien que le poids des vêtements et des armures portés ne soit pas ignorés, toutes les pièces d'armures fixés au châssis ne sont pas décomptés dans la capacité de charge.

Un châssis d'armure assistée nécessite un réacteur à fusion pour fonctionner et qui s'expulse une fois vide. Une fois que le réacteur à fusion est drainée (ou s'il n'y a pas de réacteur installé dans l'armure), l'utilisateur sera toujours capable de marcher lentement dans l'armure mais incapable d'utiliser le S.V.A.V. Le châssis d'armure assistée annule tout les dégâts de chute au porteur, mais pourra endommagé les pièces installés sur le châssis si la chute est assez haute tout en endommageant tout ce qui se trouve à proximité du point d'impact.

Comparaison avec les précedentes versions de jeu[]

L'armure assistée dans Fallout 4 ne nécessite aucune formation pour l'utiliser contrairement à Fallout 3 et New Vegas et est aussi unique dans bien d'autres aspects :

La première est le châssis sur lequel les différents éléments d'armure sont montés, par rapport aux précédents opus qui existait en tant qu'entités holistiques qui ont été portés toute côté du casque.

Deuxièmement, les personnages interagissent avec le châssis dans le monde pour utiliser l'armure assistée au lieu de l'équiper via l'inventaire.L'utilisation de réacteur de fusion comme «carburant» pour l'armure assistée est en contradiction avec les précédentes descriptions faite de l'armure assistée dans les précédents jeux même ceux publiés par Bethesda. Mis à part les premières variantes du T-45 (qui ont été mentionnés comme utilisant des cellules de puissance jetables à un rythme alarmant), les armures comme la T-51b sont connus pour avoir des systèmes de carburant personnels capables de durer plusieurs siècles. En revanche, les réacteurs à fusion, même en nombre important ne peuvent accorder que quelques heures d'utilisation d'un châssis d'armure assistée contrairement à ce que pourrait apporter un simple réacteur à fusion en théorie.

Troisièmement, cependant, est le rendu plus «précis» à ce jour en ce qui concerne la taille de l'armure, son mouvement général et les capacités. Contrairement aux descriptions concernant les armures assistées des précédents jeux Fallout, le châssis de l'armure assistée ne semble pas faire usage de système hydraulique (à moins d'être cachés à l'intérieur des segments d'armure ou dans le châssis de base lui-même). Il semble plutôt tirer sa force dans des servo-moteurs placés stratégiquement dans le châssis. Enfin, au lieu de gants et de bottes, le châssis de l'armure assistée a un ensemble entièrement articulées de mains et de pieds mécaniques, qui imitent les mouvements de la main et du pied de l'utilisateur grâce à des contrôles dans les tibias et les avant-bras. L'augmentation de la longueur du bras du porteur et de la hauteur totale est d'environ un pied.

Le châssis est capable de stimuler la force de l'Unique Survivant au delà de la limite de 10 du S.P.E.C.I.A.L.Certain mods pouvant faire monter des caractéristiques au niveau 14. Enfin et surtout les casques d'armure assistée ont des lumières entièrement fonctionnelles utilisés à la place de la lumière du Pip-Boy. La lumière peut même être personnalisé dans différentes couleurs ou alors d'avoir une lumière plus puissante que celle par défaut.

Dans Fallout 4, l'armure assistée a eu plusieurs modifications en ce qui concerne la physique (comme les châssis avec leurs plaques apposées sont assez lourds pour écraser les pièges à ours en marchant dessus ), principalement l'impossibilité de nager, l'utilisateur devant donc marcher au fond de l'eau tel un scaphandrier.

Cela rend le port d'une armure assistée délicat dans des endroits comme Libertalia compte tenu du risque de tomber des différents pontons obligeant ainsi l'utilisateur à regagner la rive pour reprendre son exploration.


Les châssis d'armure assistée peuvent être trouvés à de nombreux endroits au travers du Commonwealth soit sur des PNJs soit placé dans le monde. Une grosse partie des châssis placé contiennent déjà des pièces d'armures. Le type de pièce d'armure trouvé sur la plupart des châssis est déterminé lorsque le personnage du joueur est à portée pour la première fois de l'armure, peu importe si le joueur voit ou interagit avec l'armure.

Selon le châssis, la sélection de l'armure peut être fixe - basée directement sur le niveau du personnage du joueur - ou aléatoire. Cela peut également être affectée par les limites de l'emplacement de la plage de niveau (voir les notes pour plus de détails).

Armure unique[]

Localisation Description Gain
35 Court Sur le toit du 35 Court ( Custom House Tower). Gardé par un robot sentinelle et un Laserotron. Le châssis est dans une pièce fermée qui s'ouvre lorsque les boutons rouges de chaque côté de la cour sont pressés. Les deux robots s'auto-détruiront si le joueur regagne le statut caché après avoir ouvert la cage, laissant l'armure assistée sans surveillance. X-01 à partir du niveau 28
MK2 à partir du niveau 32
MK3 à partir du niveau 47
Les modèles plus évolués n'apparaissent pas
Big John's Salvage At a military checkpoint just south of the salvage, northwest of Jamaica Plain and southeast of Relay Tower 0SC-527. (Guarded by a Mister Gutsy). Partial set of T-51 power armor at level 30, A partial set of X-01 at level 41.
Brooke's Head Lighthouse Modèle:Icon SW of the lighthouse there is a small shack. Inside the shack there is an empty power armor frame next to a power armor stand. The shack is very close the the lift used to get down from the lighthouse.
College Square A frame can be found on the top of the double-layered overpass highway triangulated in between College Square, Graygarden and the Corvega Assembly Plant. If one fast travels to Graygarden and heads east, they should see a small yellow lift that can take them to the second layer of the overpass. There's a crashed vertibird hanging over the edge with a full set of T-45 power armor standing next to it.
Covenant Underwater next to a crashed Vertibird in the northern end of the lake outside Covenant. Most of the Vertibird is submerged, with only a small part of the tail section visible above water. The partial set of T-45 power armor is on the right hand side of the aircraft. By level 77, it has a partial T-51 set.
Drumlin Diner South of the diner, west of Corvega Assembly Plant, near a destroyed train, behind a sealed security gate that can be opened via a terminal. Appears to be fixed as partial or complete set of T-45 power armor.
Federal Ration Stockpile In the green container in front of the stockpile. (One of the raiders will get into the T-45, T-51, or T-60 power armor during combat - level dependent.) Allowing the raider to use the armor will let the player character kill and loot the armor pieces, and then have the power armor frame and new parts re-spawn later, making this one of the few places to get respawning power armor other than the raider version (see bug and notes).
Federal Surveillance Center K-21B Under the abandoned shack inside the Glowing Sea. |Partial set of X-01 power armor at level 35.
Fiddler's Green Trailer Estates In a locked trailer at east of Fort Hagen, the trailer can be opened by the key found inside a Novice-locked safe within the office building near the pool or by picking the Master difficulty door lock. Has partial set of X-01 at level 37.
Fort Hagen hangar Modèle:Icon Can be found between two expert locked gates, between the tank room and shelved radioactive barrels. Full set of X-01 at level 28. The armor pieces appear to max out at X-01 Mark III.
Fort Strong This set is level dependent up to X-01 at level 42.
Goodneighbor During the quest The Big Dig for Bobbi No-Nose, in an optional side-passage that can be drilled by the robot. There are mirelurks all over. Frame has parts to X-01 level at level 70.
Greater Mass Blood Clinic In a warehouse with four power armor stations south of the clinic. Partial set of T-60 power armor at level 35 and partial set of X-01 at level 50.
Greater Mass Blood Clinic Standing at a military checkpoint under a billboard southeast of Greater Mass Blood Clinic and northwest of Mass Pike Interchange (just walk straight between the two locations, the check point is on the road in between). Partial set of T-60 power armor at level 35.
Jamaica Plain In a small body of water between JP and Neponset Park, under the highway overpass and in front of a partially sunken APC. Note the suit may be sunken out of sight. Partial set of X-01 power armor at level 30.
Lake Cochituate Just off the road at the southwest shore, directly south of Natick police department and Natick Banks. At the edge of the radioactive zone. Unguarded, in open. At lvl. 20 thru 40 an almost full set of X-01 (Torso and 3 other random pieces). Beware numerous deathclaws in vicinity.
Mass Gravel & Sand Inside of a cage at a military checkpoint East of Mass Gravel & Sand and west of Wattz Consumer Electronics. It is locked with an Advanced difficulty terminal. Partial set of T-51 power armor at level 34.
Murkwater Construction Site West of the site in the southernmost swamp, just west of the sunken barn, mostly submerged, beside a crashed Vertibird guarded by a Mr. Gutsy. Partial set of X-01 power armor at level 40
Concord, Museum of Freedom One can be found during When Freedom Calls on the roof. This is a complete set of T-45 power armor.
Mass Pike Interchange One can be found on top of the interchange. There is a yellow elevator below that will take player character to a gunner camp, the power armor can be found in a station near the south end next to a turret. (The Gunner commander may get into the power armor during combat.) Allowing the enemy to use the armor will let the player character kill and loot the armor pieces, and then have the power armor frame and new parts respawn. Another partial frame is located on the local roads slightly northwest of the interchange at a military checkpoint.
Nahant Sheriff's Department North-northwest of the department, inside a locked bay inside a container on north edge of a cargo barge with military vehicles on it. At level 24, a complete set of T-51, at level 35 a full set of X-01 Mk II, and a full set of X-01 Mk III at level 50. Beware bots and assaultrons.
National Guard Training Yard Behind a master-level locked door and a terminal that must be hacked. Full set of T-60 around level 25, partial set of X-01 power armor at level 29.
National Guard Training Yard Northwest outskirts of the training yard, behind an expert locked gate inside a shipping crate. Full set of X-01 Mk1 at level 29, full X-01 MK2 set found here at Level 35, X-01 MK3 at Level 39, X-01 MK3 at Level 60 as well
National Park Visitor's Center Modèle:Icon North of the Visitor's center on the highway, there is a crashed Vim! semi. Inside the trailer is a suit of T-51 power armor with the green Vim! paint scheme.
Old North Church The power armor is located on a partially sunken barge north of the the church and northeast of Pickman Gallery. It is easily recognizable from the Vertibird that has been tipped on its side, as well as there being several APC-like vehicles present. Hidden among the vehicles will be a cage with a terminal on the side. Simply hack the terminal in order to unlock the security gate on the cage and gain access to the full set of T-51 power armor.
Poseiden Energy Turbine 18-F Northeast of the turbine and directly south of West Everett Estates, next to a crashed plane and broken down tank and an utility protectron. Partial set of X-01 power armor at level 37.
The Prydwen two can be acquired without stealing. The first is a full set of BOS-II T-60 power armor and is acquired if the Sole Survivor has aligned with the Brotherhood of Steel and been promoted to knight. Another BOS-V T-60 set is given after completion of Blind Betrayal.
Revere Satellite Array To the northwest of the array, northeast of the National Guard Training Yard and directly west of Finch farm, on the road there is a military convoy guarded by a Mr. Gutsy. A partial set of power armor can be found inside the truck such as X-01 at level 30.
Revere Satellite Array Empty frame in the northeast corner of array's dishes, in the dish array accessible by stairs.
Sanctuary Hills Northeast of Sanctuary Hills, between USAF Satellite Station Olivia and the Robotics Disposal Ground there is a crashed Vertibird with power armor standing in front of it near the skeleton of a soldier.
South Boston Military Checkpoint Behind an expert-level terminal. Full set of T-60 power armor at level 30. Full X-01 set at level 28.
Cave (Glowing Sea) Between the Vertibird wreckage and Skylanes Flight 1665. It's beside the corpse of an unnamed raider and is a full set of raider variant power armor.
Tenpines Bluff On train tracks just east under the cliff, one set can be found behind a blue cargo container. The locked cage it is in requires advanced hacking. Partial set of T-51 at level 50.
Vim! Pop factory Modèle:Icon On the top floor of the factory in a small office. Full set of T-51 with the red Vim! paint.


If worn, frames can be stolen by destroying or pick pocketing the fusion core.

Location Description
The Prydwen Many can be stolen from The Prydwen and Boston Airport if allied with the Brotherhood of steel. (This also created a glitch where frames would be stolen when fast traveling to location they were stored and later reappear restocked with half durability pieces and a new fusion core as long as the brotherhood characters were not killed while collecting the frames. If the frames are left with the core intact they will not be returned.
Quincy Ruins The Gunner commander on the overpass who replaces Clint has a set of T-45 power armor. Allowing the enemy to enter the armor will let the player character kill and loot the armor pieces, and then have the power armor frame itself and new parts respawn later, making this one of the few places to get respawning power armor other than raider. See bugs and notes.
Quincy Police Station Worn by Tessa can be stolen by destroying or pick pocketing the fusion core
Mass Fusion Building Used by the Gunner commander. May be fixed as partial set of T-45 power armor.
Mass Bay Medical Center One can be found at the in the radiology wing. (One of the enemies will get into the T-45 power armor during combat.) Allowing the enemy to use the armor will let the player character kill and loot the armor pieces, and then have the power armor frame and new parts re-spawn later, making this one of the few places to get respawning power armor other than the Raider version. May be fixed at T-45 power armor.
Hub City Auto Wreckers Worn by the Gunner commander (spawned replacement for Captain Bridget who does not have any), so allowing the enemy to enter the armor will let the player character kill and loot the armor pieces, and then have the power armor frame itself and new parts re-spawn later, making this one of the few places to get respawning power armor other than Raider. Appears to be fixed as partial set of T-45 power armor.
Fort Hagen hangar Modèle:Icon A uniquely-named frame and three unique parts (Tesla T-60 left/right arms and chest) are worn by the Rust Devil leader, Ivey, along with other pieces and a unique gun, the Tesla rifle.
Waypoint Echo Two Brotherhood of Steel soldiers, one of them wearing a full suit of BOS T-60 power armor, garrison this outpost once Liberty Reprimed has been completed. They respawn every couple of ingame days when killed even if the Brotherhood has been destroyed during the main questline. Enemies of the Brotherhood can pickpocket/destroy the fusion core and steal the abandoned armor after the fight. This can be repeated indefinitely for an endless, very easily accessible supply of power armor frames.
Atom Cats Garage One set of Atom Cats T-60 power armor on frame plus extra set of pieces (minus helmet) can be stolen. If wanting the extra pieces, they need to be removed from frame before stealing frame set. Two or three members will wear other suits during fight, so more pieces available if they are killed. Three other frames can be acquired by either destroying or pickpocketing the fusion cores from the characters. Note that Zeke's frame is not marked as owned, and can be taken without stealing.


Location Description
Dunwich Borers Used by a raider. This site and armor also respawn, so lots of pieces available.
Lexington Used by raider north of the Corvega Assembly Plant. Location has no name; go East on street just to north of Corvega plant until seeing the outside stairs on building with painted Nuka Cola sign. Climb up stairs to top. This site is respawned, so lots of pieces available.
MS Azalea Modèle:Icon Worn by a Named Trapper located on the ship. Partial set.
Revere Beach Station Used by a raider. This site and armor also respawn, so lots of pieces available.
Roadside Pines Motel Used by a raider. This site and armor also respawn, so lots of pieces available.
Libertalia Only after completion of institute mission to recover the synth. Used by a raider. This site and armor also respawn, so lots of pieces available.
Poseidon Energy Worn by Cutty.
Outpost Zimonja Worn by Boomer. Boomer does not respawn once the settlement has been cleared and claimed.
Saugus Ironworks Worn by Slag. Site and Forge members respawn. Replacement for Slag does have power armor, assuming frame was not stolen.
Wreck of the USS Riptide Used by raider on barge beneath bridge, accessed by going down planks on bridge. This site and armor also respawn, so lots of pieces available.
Massachusetts State House On a raider commander, in the final room before taking an elevator back to the surface.
Settlements At higher levels, raiders attacking settlement sites may use power armor. Mostly occurs when settlers ask about needing defenses.


Il est possible d'acheter des châssis auprès de 4 revendeurs, après un premier achat, il suffit de repasser 48 heures plus tard pour pouvoir racheter un autre châssis :


  • Power armor frames will spawn with varying pieces depending on the default armor set specified for that frame, as well as the level limits of the area they are placed in:
    • Randomized frames can spawn with raider pieces at any level, T-45 pieces starting at level 15, T-51 pieces starting at level 25, T-60 pieces starting at level 35, and X-01 pieces starting at level 45. The armor pieces generated include all previous levels, e.g. a Randomized frame encountered at level 26 can spawn with any combination of T-51, T-45, and Raider armor pieces.
    • Leveled frames spawn with T-45 pieces at levels 1-13, T-51 pieces at levels 14-20, T-60 pieces at levels 21-27, and X-01 pieces at level 28 and above. The upgrade level of armor pieces also increases within these ranges, e.g. T-45b armor will spawn starting at level 11. The armor pieces generated do NOT include previous levels, e.g. a Leveled frame encountered at level 26 will only have T-60 pieces.
    • Partial frames spawn with incomplete sets of armor, and will be missing at least one piece. In very rare cases these frames may spawn with no armor attached at all. Also, on rare occasions nothing at all will be found at the expected site, e.g. even the power frame will be missing.
    • Some frames are empty frames, particularly those purchased from vendors, and spawn with no armor pieces at all. These frames are also immune to the "Cell Reset" bug which can cause the loss of mounted power armor pieces on unattended power armor.
      • In addition to purchasing, an empty power armor frame can be obtained from Revere satellite array, or stolen from Atom Cats garage.
    • Certain power armor frames will always spawn with a specific set of armor, e.g. BoS II T-60 Power Armor, regardless of level.
  • When purchased from a vendor, the frame will spawn in the power armor station in the shop (when purchased from Atom Cats, appears outside garage).
  • Humanoid companions can be directed to enter any unused power armor frame by talking to them, then targeting and selecting the power armor frame.
    • Companions can be told to exit the armor by talking to them, selecting the bottom "Talk" option, then choosing the bottom "Exit Power Armor" option.
    • Neither the companion nor the power armor frame need to have a fusion core. Companions can use power armor without a fusion core indefinitely, with no negative consequences.
    • The power armor frame will only negate the weight of armor pieces which were equipped when the companion entered the armor. If different armor pieces are equipped their weight will be counted against the companion's carry weight until they are directed to exit and re-enter the armor.
    • When dismissed from active service, a companion may exit the power armor sometime later unless they have a fusion core in their inventory.
      • Danse's power armor is equipped with a special "locked core" which prevents this.
  • Although power armor pieces can be taken from dead NPCs, the frame cannot be recovered.
  • Power armor frames cannot be directly stolen from living NPCs while they are wearing them. However, non-Companion NPCs will exit their power armor if the fusion core is somehow removed from their inventory, which will allow the frame to be stolen. This can be accomplished by either pickpocketing the fusion core, or destroying it by shooting it.
    • Ingram and Danse have special "locked cores" which are hidden and cannot be stolen or shot out.
    • If the NPC has a second fusion core in their inventory, they will simply install the new fusion core and re-enter the armor.
    • When destroyed, the fusion core will drop to the ground, tick for a moment, then explode with a magnitude similar to a nuke mine.
    • The Penetrator perk, or the Yellow Belly syringe for the Syringer will make targeting the core significantly easier.
    • Use of Syringer with Pax syringe will allow pickpocketing of core.
    • Power armor frames that are worn by other characters are treated as property, and as such certain companions will react negatively if the player character steals them or their contents.
    • Companions can be directed to use a stolen power armor frame without negative companion reaction. However, this will anger the faction or NPC who owns the frame if they witness the act.
  • Looting armor pieces from dead NPCs will not prevent the armor from respawning later if the location resets. However, removing the power armor frame itself from the location can prevent it from respawning later. This is more likely if the frame is free-standing (i.e. placed in world, not on an NPC), but can occur if the frame is stolen from an NPC using one of the above methods.
  • Friendly characters can and will take power armor frames from settlements with fusion cores in them. This can be prevented by keeping power armor stored in enclosed spaces that they cannot reach or by removing the fusion core upon exiting the armor. Idle characters also won't use power armor frames that are stored at a power armor station. However if they are stored with active fusion cores this won't prevent them from being used in a raider attack or being stolen.
    • Inhabitants of a player character's settlements will automatically get in nearby power armor frames if the settlement is under attack. They will get out of the frames if talked to by the player character. (CAUTION) Merchants such as clothing vendors and doctors will not get out of the power armor when talked to. They will instead do their normal dialog options. Though the power armor pieces can be traded from them after their store is closed for the day.
    • Settlers and companions may abandon their power armor when they decide to use a bed or man a guardpost.
  • When NPCs use power armor, they will not deplete the fusion core's battery charge. However, the armor parts will still take damage and can eventually break, after which they will need to be repaired.
  • While wearing a frame, it is impossible to swim in water; rather, one walks underneath the surface of the water, unable to sprint.
    • Wearing a power armor helmet prolongs the amount of time one can remain underwater before sustaining damage.
  • Unarmed weapons (ie. knuckles, gloves, or wrist mounted weapons) can not be equipped while in power armor.
  • Using the console to spawn a power armor frame via player.placeatme will spawn it at an angle. Attempting to enter the armor in this state can crash the game. After spawning it, click on it in the console and enter the two following commands: setangle X 0 and setangle Y 0 (spawning with code 225a5f requires no additional adjustments)
  • Each armor set has a unique paint scheme, except T-60 armor which has 2, that that can only be applied to that type of armor which is:
    • T-45: Minuteman paint scheme which grants +1 Charisma when all pieces are painted.
    • T-51: Railroad paint scheme which grants +1 Perception when all pieces are painted.
    • T-60:
      • Brotherhood of Steel paint scheme which grants +1 Strength bonus when all pieces are painted.
      • Atom Cats paint scheme which grants +1 Charisma and a reduction in action points used when sprinting, when all pieces are painted.
    • X-01: Institute paint scheme which grants +1 Intelligence when all pieces are painted.


  • Has platform::PCIcon pc Mass Pike Interchange has bug such that multiple sets of frame plus T-45 armor are respawned. Have seen as much as 13 sets standing around (1 lower level, 12 upper level). Getting crowded up there. After this, location stopped all respawning, including Gunners and all items.[vérification en retard]
  • Has platform::PCIcon pc Wayward Pines Motel has similar bug, has created 3 sets of Raider Power Armor at location. Raider used one, leaving two behind at last count.[vérification en retard]


Modèle:Navbox armors FO4
