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L'Acier est un composant d'artisanat dans Fallout 4.


A cheap but highly useful metal alloy of iron and carbon and/or other metals, steel is the most plentiful crafting material, along with wood, found in-game and is a component used in crafting to make various items, including weapon modifications and structures. Steel is also used to repair damaged power armor.


Matériaux :Équipement Requis :Produit :
Acier (varie)
Objet de base Rendement* Poids Rend./Poids
Adjustable wrench 2 1 2
Ball-peen hammer 2 1.5 1.33
Bandage scissors 1 0.2 5
Blowtorch 2 3 0.67
Bonesaw 2 1.5 1.33
Brotherhood of Steel holotag 1 0.1 10
Bunsen burner 2 1 2
Can 2 0.1 20
Clothing iron 2 3 0.67
Coffee pot 2 1 2
Condensed fog Far Harbor (extension) 3 3 1
Condenser power module Far Harbor (extension) 1 2 0.5
Combination wrench 2 1 2
Connecting rod 2 5 0.4
Cooking pan 2 0.5 4
Desk fan 2 3 0.67
Dinner fork 1 0.1 10
Dog tags 1 0.1 10
Empty paint can 2 0.5 4
Enamel bucket 2 3 0.67
Extinguisher 4 6 0.67
Flip lighter 1 0.5 2
Gas canister 3 3 1
Gear 1 1 1
Giddyup Buttercup 5 8 0.625
Giddyup Buttercup back leg 1 1 1
Giddyup Buttercup body 2 3 0.67
Giddyup Buttercup front leg 1 1 1
Giddyup Buttercup head 2 3 0.67
Gold plated flip lighter 1 0.5 2
Handcuffs 2 0.5 4
Industrial solvent 3 1 3
Jug Far Harbor (extension) 3 8 0.375
Kitchen scale 3 2 1.5
Ladle 2 0.5 4
Lantern 3 3 1
Luxobrew coffee pot 3 1 3
Lumberjack saw Far Harbor (extension) 3 2 1.5
Medical liquid nitrogen dispenser 2 5 0.40
Metal bucket 2 3 0.67
Mr. Handy fuel 3 3 1
Office desk fan 2 3 0.67
Oil canister 2 3 0.67
Paint can 2 5 0.4
Power relay coil 2 0.5 4
Rat poison 1 0.5 2
Red paint Far Harbor (extension) 2 5 0.4
Restored desk fan 2 3 0.67
Sauce pan 2 1 2
Sauce pan lid 1 0.5 2
Saw 3 3 1
Scalpel 1 0.2 5
Scissors 2 0.2 10
Screwdriver 2 0.5 4
Shopping basket 3 1 3
Shovel 3 5 0.6
Steel 1 0.2 5
Shipment of 50 units 50 0
Shipment of 100 units 100 0
Shipment of 250 units 250 0
Small sauce pan 1 1 1
Small sauce pan lid 1 0.2 5
Surgical scalpel 1 0.2 5
Swan boat fragments 1 0
Table knife 1 0.1 10
Tea kettle Far Harbor (extension) 2 1.5 1.33
Tin can 2 0.1 20
Toaster 2 3 0.67
Torque rod end 1 3 0.33
Toy truck 2 1 2
Tube flange 2 5 0.4
Turpentine 2 1 2
Untarnished metal bucket 2 3 0.67
Used oil can 1 0.5 2
Wrench 2 1 1
* Nothing is gained if one does not have at least level 1 of the Scrapper perk. At level 3, yields are at least doubled.


  • Most robot enemies drop several units of steel.
  • Most Level 3 settlement general goods merchants sell shipments of 250 steel.
  • The following merchants all sell shipments of 100 steel:
    • Myrna and Percy at Diamond City Surplus. They sell 4 shipments of 100, and they also have a shipment of 250. Their stock is replenished anywhere from 1-3 in-game days.
    • Brother Ogden in the Crater of Atom.
    • Lucas Miller, in a traveling caravan, also sells a shipment.
    • Rufus Rubins in Goodneighbor (100).
    • Far Harbor (extension) Sister Mai in the Nucleus.
    • Nuka-World (extension) Shelbie Chase in Nuka-Town market (250).
    • Nuka-World (extension) Katelyn Alden in Nuka-Town market (250).
  • A large amount can be acquired at the federal ration stockpile, as it contains a large amount of tin cans and cans.
  • Once Spectacle Island is claimed as a settlement, one can scavenge the crates and washers of the beached barge on the northeast side of the island for a large amount of steel.
  • Infinite amounts can be acquired from the Jamaica Plain Town Hall basement by collecting and re-activating the tripwires.