That would have been awesome seeing a three way war. Imagine the BOS fighting Commies and Nazis. A post war idealogy fighting pre war idealogy
Idk if the Commonwealth would be against them. The pre war world is further removed from the current year in the Commonwealth, than we are removed from the days of Napoleon IRL. Most people wouldn't even know what communism is (perfect for a faction like them to exploit considering they prey on idealistic naive people), and the few that do, have no beef with a group that they've never had contact with.
You could have a Nazi faction too.
Have both factions fight each other. The concept was cool as fuck in the metro series. Favorite parts about the first two are you would go through the communist faction and fight them, then have to cross a battlefield where they are fighting the Nazis, go into Nazi territory, and fight them.
Those subway tunnels in Fo4 was perfect for Metro references and ideas
^^ you say that like being a troll is a bad thing.
^ I like my thicc buxom red guard women mods as much as the next degenerate. But the Skyrim community has some pretty... idk even know the word for how depraved they are NSFW mods
^ there is a combine armor mod for Fo4. I still have it, not sure if it's even still available to download. I built a detention center for Raiders and Gunners I've captured. And gave all the guards combine cop outfits, batons, and a USP and MP7 from other mods.
That it has.
So mantis deleted the posts? Anyone know why?
It's healthy discourse. It's actually interesting to talk about politics when everyone's calm and you aren't talking to people who flip out over a slight disagreement. Atleast in my experience. Some of the most thought provoking deep conversations I've had, are with an opposing side that we just sat down and talked like adults. People don't want to do that anymore and that's why the discourse is toxic as fuck these days
Although there are cases where I have no respect for the person I'm talking to because they believe something so abhorrent. Like there was a dude on here, can't remember his name several months ago that tried to say the ethnic genocide the CCP is doing to various groups is fake. And the death camps they are in are to keep them safe.
The series needs more No Barks
Reminds me of the food line from the beginning of Half Life 2. All you need is a big screen telling the settlers propaganda
Probably an older post he had been saving. He's done that a few times. He saved the Oxhorn drama for like 4-5 months after it happened. He generally does this when his views are low. Drama is the tried and true YouTube tactic for farming views. Look at how many YouTube drama channels exist. One of my favorite YouTubers, Some ordinary gamers, has basically turned into one. Used to make creepypasta videos, deep web shit, virus investigations, creepy shit in video games, all sorts of fun shit. Now it's just whatever the current controversy or drama is.
In the fallout bible, if I remember right, it's because their jaws and mouths mutated poorly and they couldn't open their mouths without the straps. They had some awful overbite or something
It's crazy how much the music can change the feeling of the game. Seriously if you can, put fo1 and fo2 music in modern fallout through a mod. Feels like a different game
That music really made you feel like you was in a hopeless fucked up world
This is an unfixed bug on all platforms. The only way to get rid of it is to install XNVSE and the unofficial patch. Preferably the YUPs version. I also would recommend to install JIP, DXVK, and the New Vegas Tick Fix. It'll make the game buttery smooth and pretty much void of 99.9 percent of bugs
THIS. this right here is peak Fallout background music. The Nuclear siren hauntingly in the background, giving you thoughts of the world right as the bombs was falling. The marching drums, perfectly representing the war. The panicking Morse Code noises representing the moments during and right after the bombs fall. The computer noises, showing the old world's tech still lives on.
It's crazy for me to think how that one mistake lead to my obsession with this series. One of the best gaming related mistakes I ever made. Along with accidently buying Metro 2033 and Metro Last light thinking it was STALKER
Only thing I know about bioshock is i accidentally confused it with Fo3 and bought Fo3 instead.
The line "a man chooses, a slave obeys"
You beat the shit out of someone with a golf club
The villain (?) Is basically Howard Hughs
You capture little girls (lol)
And it's a spiritual successor to System Shock.
You know, if Fallout 5 takes place in NYC. We could get a 9/11 mod.
And that begs the question. Did 9/11 happen in the fallout world, and/or does or did the Twin Towers exist.
Tale of the Two Wastelands. But New Vegas Bounties comes in at a close second.