Yeah, dude, prewar America was fucked. They put nuclear material in the soda!
I dunno, sounds pretty Institute to me
Same as irl; a regular-ass cat. Though, if we're going strictly mutated creature, I'd have to vibe with a Nightstalker
Florida. I feel like a mutated alligator would put the Deathclaw to shame
Weird (probably newb) question: how do the extended bracket LM barrels limit ammo capacity? I've never had anything more than a four crank capacitor on while using one. Can you not use a six crank capacitor or is the "limited..." description an oversight in the description?
Play daily or semi-daily for max cap acrual and so your vault doesn't run out of resources. Also, don't mount huge explorations unless your dwellers are armed (the ones you don't send out into the wastes; your explorers should pretty obviously be armed). And build a weapons workshop early on so you can have more control over the defense capabilities of your vault. Other than that, learn as you go as with basically every other FO game. On a personal note, it may also be useful to make an Excel spreadsheet or something similar to keep track of how many residents you have and who they are (name-wise, I mean) as well as who has bred; a spreadsheet helped me immensely in keeping track of who was whose children (since the game mechanics don't allow children to breed with relatives).
So Boone's wife, Carla, is by him described as being talkative and, seemingly, from another time. Boone also says he met her on The Strip. I strongly recall from Fallout 4 that people not strung out on Jet and with mostly functional frontal lobe could tell that the Sole Survivor was from a Vault due to behaving like a pre-War person rather than a Wastelander. All of that to say, my theory is this: Carla was a Vault 21 resident or, at the least, the child of Vault 21 residents. If she behaves in a way almost completely different than the other inhabitants of the Mojave and doesn't seem to feel at home anywhere outside of The Strip, it would make a ton of sense. She may not have been from another time, but maybe she was from a place stuck out of time...a Vault.
The Desert Rangers or the Twisted Hairs