"Rescue Tandi from the raiders"? "Destroy the source of the mutants"? "Become a porn star"? "Stop the Enclave"? This sounds more like things on a to-do list than actual quests. And these types of titles were kind of revived in the form of Fallout 4 radiant quests (eg. Trapper Attack on LOCATION NAME, Help Defend LOCATION NAME, Stop the raiding at LOCATION NAME, etc). I mean, there's hardly any flair to these titles compared to the quests in the FPS Fallout games. Why couldn't Interplay and Black Isle come up creative titles such as The Replicated Man, Aba Daba Honeymoon, or The Last Voyage of the USS Constitution? I know it's not that important of a detail, but I still believe that a proper RPG should have memorable quests with memorable titles. What do you guys think?