So I was messing around with different legendary combinations to see what's OP and fun to use after the next gen patch and the free Tesla cannon give away. ( the cannon itself kinda obsolete even explosive miniguns, absurd )
One effect I was unimpressed with is wounding, wounding's bleeding effect does stacking 25 health damage over 5 seconds and it ignores defense and used to ignore difficulty multiplier too, which means a wounding automatic combat rifle can kill a mirelurk queen on very hard without reloading (40 rounds mag).
Since 25 ( bleeding damage ) * 40 = 1000 ( mirelurk queen's health )
But no matter how many times I test it always took more than 40 rounds to kill a queen on very hard.
As shown in the video above even with combat rifle's ballistic damage 40 rounds is not enough to take down a queen. ( 40 rounds of ballistic + wounding does around 60%=600 damage to the queen )
This leads to 3 theories.
1. Wounding no longer stacks. ( which is not the case as landing more shots still makes enemy loses health faster )
2. Wounding is effected by difficulty multiplier too. ( means on very hard it only does 12.5 damage over 5 seconds instead of 25 damage over 5 seconds per shot )
3. Last would be wounding's stacking has cap, but I digged into CK and can't find the cap so this is not the case too.
The 2 was the case. How I tested it was disable AI detection ( so NPC can't find you which means you are not get shot to swiss cheese ), spawning a mutant, then force it's damage resist to 0 for easier ballistic damage calculation, get it's health value, fire a single shot with a ballistic wounding weapon, wait for 5 or more seconds, open console and get it's health again.
As you can see in the video, on very hard the mutant took 1535-1488.46=46.54 damage.
34 of the 46.54 is commando + bloody mess combat rifle's ballistic damage. ( pipboy display damage 68, very hard it's 68*05=34 against 0 damage resist target )
So wounding only did 46.54-34=12.54 damage, that's only 50% of 25 damage.
Then I switched difficulty to normal and did the same thing again.
This time the mutant took 1535-1441.92=93.08 damage.
Wounding damage is 93.08-68=25.08. Exact the value wounding should do.
So wounding damage is effected by difficulty, on harder difficulties it's less effecive than easier ones.