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Waffenstreuung bestimmt die Genauigkeit einer Fernkampfwaffe in Grade. Formeln die man hier findet, wurden aus dem GECK Wiki [1] entnommen.
The total spread is equal to a spread due to the character aiming, and a spread due to the weapon itself.
Statuseffekte kombinieren vielfach.
- Kriechen reduziert Streuung um 40%. (Multiplikator: 0.6)
- Benutzung von Kimme und Korn reduziert Streuung um 65%. (Multiplikator: 0.35)
The appropriate skill (Schusswaffen, Energiewaffen or Sprengstoff) reduces spread by 0.5% (from 50% up to 100%) per skill point. (multiplier: from 0.5 to 0)
Limb Condition Effect[]
Damage to limbs increases (pre-perk) spread.
- ArmPenalty is 0 with no crippled arms. 0.5 when right arm crippled with one handed weapon, 0.25 when one arm crippled with two-handed weapon, 0.5 when both arms crippled with two-handed weapon.
Weapon spread is equal to the Min Spread stat of the weapon in degrees. Weapon condition has no effect on spread.
patch ammunition that had spread modification effect (like 12ga), applied it to aim spread instead of weapon spread.
Prior to