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Fallout Wiki

Verstärkte Holo-Gewehrteile ist eine Waffenmodifikation für das Holo-Gewehr im Fallout New Vegas Logo Fallout: New Vegas Add-On, Fnv-dlc1-deadmoney-x360-fob Dead Money.


Improves the condition of the Holorifle by 1.5%.


This vending machine code for the mod can be found at the Switching Station, adjacent to the elevator door where you bring Christine during the Mixed Signals quest. The code is found on top of a console (non-activatable machine) along the southwest wall.

After obtaining the code, the mod can be purchased from any Sierra Madre Verkaufsautomat for 150 Sierra Madre-Chips.


Strangely, the box is labeled "Gun Runners", yet it is stated once you enter the Villa that Elijah created the Holorifle himself, not the Gun Runners, which assumes they couldn't have made mods for it. This is because it uses the generic Gun Runners mod case as its world-object render.


  • PC Playstation 3 Xbox 360 The amount of condition increase in the mod's label is incorrect, because the value assigned was mistakenly believed to be multiplicative instead of additive. What was intended to multiply the max CND to 150 only added to make 101.5. [bestätigt]
  • PC Xbox 360 When applying this mod to a maximum condition repaired Holorifle, it can reset the weapon's condition to nearly broken.[bestätigt]
    • Requires reloading a previous save, firing the weapon once or twice to reduce the condition before applying the mod for it to work properly.