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Fallout Wiki
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Für eine Übersicht der Trennmessermodelle in der Fallout Serie der Spiele, siehe Trennmesser.

Das Trennmesser ist eine Waffe in Fallout: New Vegas.


This weapon is good for a low-mid level melee player. The attack button can be held down and it will dismember anything in front of the player (much like a chainsaw or thermic lance). This makes it very good for handling multiple enemies or large, but slow, creatures.

It has a special 'Long Cut' attack, which does 50% damage in V.A.T.S. at the cost of 45 action points (requires a Melee skill of 50).




  • Rippers do more damage in one action in V.A.T.S. than in normal combat.
  • When damaging some enemies (like mantises) red blood will be displayed instead of green.
  • The ripper can successfully strike about 5995 times from full Zustand before breaking.


  • Xbox 360 Playstation 3 PC Sometimes, a Ripper (Arcade Gannon special version) is in your inventory that is available for use and does not show up in the shop menus, but if it is dropped, you will not be able to pick it up again.
  • This weapon can be used for the Gun Runners' Arsenal challenge Armed For Bear.


Ripper icon ReloadVB
Klammern () kennzeichnen einzigartige Waffen-Varianten an, kursiv kennzeichnet Waffen aus Add-Ons, * keznnzeichnet versteckte Waffen.