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Preston Garvey, der Anführer der Minutemen des Commonwealth, gehört zu den ersten Begleitern in Fallout 4, die euch auf eurer beschwerlichen Reise durch das Ödland begleiten können. Für ihn stehet der Schutz der Siedler im Vordergrund.



Finden kann man ihn sehr früh zu Beginn des Spiels, in Concorde, wo er gerade das örtliche Museum gegen eine Bande Raider verteidigt. Am Eingang des Museums liegt ein Gefallener Minutemen und neben ihm eine Lasermuskete mit Fusionszellen. Es empfiehlt sich dieselbe mitzunehmen da sie am Anfang ziemlich stark seien kann.

Er ist außerdem die Möglichkeit sich den Minutemen anzuschließen.

Nach Quincy

Preston versucht die Minutemen nach und nach mithilfe des Einzigen Überlebenden zu alter Macht zu behelfen. Nach der Ernennung des Einzigen Überlebenden zum General der Minutemen, gewinnen die Minutemen immer mehr Terretorium und Mitglieder.

Wennn der Spieler genug Annerkennnung bei den Minutemen kommt es zum Höhepunkt der Quest der Minutemen nämlich der Einnahme der Festung "The Castle".

Interaktionen mit dem Spielercharakter


Allgemein Services Quests
Wichtig: jaja
  • ja
Begleiter: jaja
  • Permanent
Händler: neinnein
Techniker: neinnein
Doktor: neinnein
vermietet Bett/Zimmer: neinnein
Startet Quest: jaja
  • When Freedom Calls
  • The First Step
  • Taking Independence
Involviert in Quests: jaja
  • The Nuclear Option (Minutemen)


  • When Freedom Calls: Preston asks of the Sole Survivor to equip properly and clear out Concord so he and his people can move away to a safer place.
  • The First Step: Preston asks the Sole Survivor to help out a settlement. If this quest is completed, Preston will become available as a companion.
  • Taking Independence: Preston asks the Sole Survivor to help take back The Castle (Fort Independence) previously occupied by the Minutemen.
  • The Molecular Level: If the Survivor chooses to build the Relay Interceptor with the Minutemen, Garvey will tell them to ask Sturges for help, since he's the best engineer he's ever met.
  • Defend the Castle: If played as part of the Minutemen quest line, Garvey will assist in defending the Castle from the Institute attackers.
  • The Nuclear Option: Garvey, along with Sturges and a few other Minutemen, will assist the Survivor during their attack on the Institute. Garvey will also be present when the Survivor sets off the nuclear blast from atop the Mass Fusion building.
  • Radiant Minutemen quests: Garvey will assign the Sole Survivor up to three radiant quests every time he is spoken to, provided none of the quests mentioned above are currently active.

Auswirkungen von Spieleraktionen

  • When reaching the highest affinity with Preston, he grants the United We Stand perk, which increases damage dealt by 20% as well as increasing damage resistance by 20 points when facing 3 or more enemies at once. Maximum affinity can be achieved after attaching 67 weapon modifications; read the United We Stand perk page for more information.
  • If the player character attacks a member of the Minutemen, Preston will instantly and permanently disassociate from the Sole Survivor as a companion.
  • Preston can be romanced.



Kleidung Waffen Weitere Gegenstände im Todesfall
Colonial duster
Minuteman hat
Preston's laser musket Minuteman outfit -


  • If taken to Nate/Nora's corpse in Vault 111, he will say, "Is this...? Oh. I'm sorry, General. Take all of the time you need."
  • There is an impostor who pretends to be Preston Garvey. This is a random encounter.
    • Preston does not have any unique dialogue should he meet the imposter.
  • If the player character promotes the Minutemen, settlers will sometimes recognize Garvey as a Minuteman and give him a few caps or other supplies.
  • Max affinity with Preston will reveal that he was actually quite depressed when the Sole Survivor found him in Concord. He says he would just not care about living if the Sole Survivor didn't help them as they did.
  • Talking with Preston will get him to mention the CPG, Commonwealth Provisional Government, as well as what happened to it.
  • Preston's Colonial duster and Minuteman hat can be obtained from a Level 4 Clothing Vendor at any player character settlement. One example of such vendors is Anne Hargraves, who will sell these items when assigned to any Level 3 clothing stand.
  • Preston will be disgusted with the player character if they finish The Nuclear Option with the Brotherhood of Steel or the Railroad but did not activate the evacuation notice, stating that the player character not allowing Institute civilians to evacuate is mass murder.
  • Preston's Colonial duster and Minuteman hat can be obtained infinite times, i.e. If one equips him with any other outfit and take his duster and hat and dismissing him, his clothes will respawn in his inventory after some time.
  • When inside settlements, Settlers will sometimes chat with Preston, give him caps and saying "I know it ain't much, but we support the Minutemen's cause".

Bemerkenswerte Zitate



Preston Garvey erscheint in Fallout 4 und Fallout Shelter.



