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Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Die Pennsylvania Avenue ist ein Ort in Fallout 3 Logo Fallout 3. Sie liegt östlich von den Ruinen des Weißen Hauses. Das Gebiet wird rund um die Uhr von der Stählernen Bruderschaft und den Supermutanten umkämpft.


Nennenswerte Beute[]

Interessante Orte in der Nähe[]

  • A scavenger in the northeast, in an underground parking garage.
  • The hotel, a base for Stählerne Bruderschaft- a lone Brotherhood soldier has trapped the hallway for protection while resting.
  • The utility tunnel leading to the White House (and in Broken Steel, the Presidential Sub Level and Presidential Metro).
  • At the scaffolding at corner of 17th and Pennsylvania, there is a dead merc on the side with the leaning/bent light pole (you must walk up the pole to reach the merc) with a note (Pennsylvania Ave explosives note) about planted mines and activation switch location. The switch is past the dead merc. When you activate the switch, all the explosives go off in a chain reaction in the street.
  • In the Pulowski Preservation shelter near the Penn. Ave/Seward Sq. Metro exit is a dead protektron and a locked (very easy) ammunition box with energy cells ammunition.
  • Next to the Metro Central is an old trailer-style diner. In it are several gore bags and five ammunition boxes (to your left as you enter), with some 5m rounds, 10mm rounds, a missile, and a grenade box with frag grenades in it. There are also several mutilated wastelanders, wearing enough leather armor to make a fully-repaired suit.
  • Down the utility tunnel, to the right, is a great place to make custom weapons, with parts and a workbench located nearby.
  • A destroyed building (The White House) accessible via the underground utility tunnel containing some RadAway, a Fatman, and three Mini-Atombombe


  • The streets in this neighborhood appear to have been mis-numbered in the game, as 17th Street is west of the White House. The street marked as 17th Street in the game should probably be 12th Street.
  • The White House Plaza is already in the main game but is not marked on your Pip-Boy until you have installed Broken Steel.


Die Pennsylvania Avenue kommt nur in Fallout 3 Logo Fallout 3 vor.
