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Die Pennsylvania Avenue ist ein Ort in Fallout 3. Sie liegt östlich von den Ruinen des Weißen Hauses. Das Gebiet wird rund um die Uhr von der Stählernen Bruderschaft und den Supermutanten umkämpft.
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Nennenswerte Beute[]
- Chinesische Armee: Trainingshandbuch für Spezialeinsätze in the nearby Hotel on a small table near the HAM radio. (Has to be stolen unless you have the Broken Steel add-on and you've completed Bring ihn zurück!.)
- Die moderne Zuhaltung in the Sewer by the ammunition stash (hidden in a broken out wall in south east dead-end tunnel).
Interessante Orte in der Nähe[]
- A scavenger in the northeast, in an underground parking garage.
- The hotel, a base for Stählerne Bruderschaft- a lone Brotherhood soldier has trapped the hallway for protection while resting.
- The utility tunnel leading to the White House (and in Broken Steel, the Presidential Sub Level and Presidential Metro).
- At the scaffolding at corner of 17th and Pennsylvania, there is a dead merc on the side with the leaning/bent light pole (you must walk up the pole to reach the merc) with a note (Pennsylvania Ave explosives note) about planted mines and activation switch location. The switch is past the dead merc. When you activate the switch, all the explosives go off in a chain reaction in the street.
- In the Pulowski Preservation shelter near the Penn. Ave/Seward Sq. Metro exit is a dead protektron and a locked (very easy) ammunition box with energy cells ammunition.
- Next to the Metro Central is an old trailer-style diner. In it are several gore bags and five ammunition boxes (to your left as you enter), with some 5m rounds, 10mm rounds, a missile, and a grenade box with frag grenades in it. There are also several mutilated wastelanders, wearing enough leather armor to make a fully-repaired suit.
- Down the utility tunnel, to the right, is a great place to make custom weapons, with parts and a workbench located nearby.
- A destroyed building (The White House) accessible via the underground utility tunnel containing some RadAway, a Fatman, and three Mini-Atombombe
- The streets in this neighborhood appear to have been mis-numbered in the game, as 17th Street is west of the White House. The street marked as 17th Street in the game should probably be 12th Street.
- The White House Plaza is already in the main game but is not marked on your Pip-Boy until you have installed Broken Steel.
Die Pennsylvania Avenue kommt nur in Fallout 3 vor.