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Nuka Cola Quantum ist ein Verbrauchsgegenstand in Fallout 3.
Nuka-Cola wurde 2044 von John-Caleb Bradberton erfunden. Ihr einzigartiger Geschmack gewann schnell weit verbreitete Beliebtheit, was dazu führte, dass es das populärste alkoholfreie Getränk in den Vereinigten Staaten mit einer äußerst hingebungsvollen Fangemeinde wurde. Die weit bekannte grell-blaue Flaschenfarbe wurde 2052 zum Standard als Marktforschungsprogramme ergaben, dass die blaue Farbe der Flasche von 86 aus 100 Personen bevorzugt wurde.
Das Erfrischungsgetränk setzt sich aus vielerlei Zutaten zusammen, darunter Kohlensäurehaltiges Wasser, Karamell-Farbe, Aspartam, Phosphorsäure, Kaliumbenzoate (um den Geschmack zu schützen), natürliche Geschmäcker, Zitronensäure, und Koffein. Der einzigartige Geschmack jedoch kommt durch die Essenz von siebzehn im Verhältnis gemischten verschiedenen Früchten zustande, um dem Getränk seinen Geschmack als Handelsmarke zu geben. Einige Versionen des Getränks schließen auch Vitamine und Gesundheitsstärkungsmittel ein. Während der Großen Passionsfrucht-Hungersnot von 2044 bemerkten Leute den Geschmacks-Unterschied, als das Rezept geändert wurde. Dadurch bedingt, dass die Nuka-Cola in diesem Zeitraum mit vielen chemischen Mitteln zubereitet wurde. Einige hundert Menschen starben an diesen Mitteln. Dies wurde aber von der Regierung (warscheinlich ausgelöst durch die Enklave) bestritten. Manche Versionen enthielten zusätzlich noch Vitamineralisier, Stärkungsmittel und geringe Dosierungen Jet.
Vor 2067 konnten Automaten mit der eiskalten Nuka-Cola auf eigentlich jeder Straße in Amerika gefunden werden.
2077 wurde eine neue Version namens Nuka-Cola Quantum eingeführt. Wie in der Werbung gesagt wurde, hatte diese Variante die doppelte Menge an Kalorien, Geschmack, Zucker und Koffein. Um sie hervorzuheben wurde ein mildes Isotop beigefügt, sodass die Flasche blau leuchtet. Als Nebeneffekt wurde das Urin leider auch blau und leuchtete in der Dunkelheit. Die Nuka-Cola Quantum sollte außerdem eine höhere Menge an Energie bereitstellen, im Spiel gibt sie mehr TP. Außerdem kann man von ihr süchtig werden. In der Nuka-Cola-Fabrik zeigt sich, dass die Entwicklung nicht reibungslos verlief. Die meisten Testpersonen starben von den ersten beiden Versionen des Getränks, die Nuka-Cola Quantum wurde außerdem nur an ausgesuchte Läden verteilt, umso eine genauere Rückmeldung zu bekommen. Das genaue Aussehen wurde bis zuletzt geheimgehalten. Auf Werbeplakaten sah man nur die Umrisse der Flasche.
Das Trinken einer Nuka-Cola Quantum erhöht die AP für 4 Minuten um 20 und die Strahlung um 10. In einer Blechdose mit Abraxo-Reiniger und Terpentin gemischt, entsteht eine Nuka-Granate, die viel stärker ist als normale Granaten. Nuka-Cola-Süchtige und Fanatikerin Sierra Petrovita hat ein Rezept kreiert, bei dem das Mischen von Nuka-Cola Quantum mit Mehl und Wodka ein köstliches Gebäck ergibt.
- Nuka Cola
- Eiskalte Nuka Cola
Es gibt 94 Flaschen die man im Hauptspiel finden kann und 13 zusätzliche Flaschen mitgeliefert mit dem Add-Ons; im Ganzen 108 Flaschen. See the table below for a full list of locations. Bottles found in vending machines are random and are not included in this list. Bottles sold through a specific random encounter merchant are also not included.
Dichteste Kartenmarkierung | Anzahl | Beschreibung |
Alexandria Arms | 1 | There's one in a locked room on the second floor, near a terminal and a counter with two ammunition boxes and a Pre-War book. |
Anchorage Memorial | 1 | Enter the service entrance at the southeast side of the memorial, take a left and then go to the end of the hall where there is a utility door; the Nuka-Cola Quantum is in that room, the Memorial service entrance utility closet. A Repair skill of 95 or higher is required to enter it. |
Andale | 1 | In an overturned trailer under a highway north of Andale. |
Arefu | 1 | East of is a small wooden dock. Next to the dock is a wooden pole sticking out of the water. The Nuka-Cola Quantum is sitting on top of the pole. (Arefu) |
Arlington Library | 1 | In the Media Archives: in a room on the top floor with two computer terminals, one of which controls a safe. The bottle is on a small round table in the corner, hidden by a wood crate, and can be quite difficult to see. |
Bethesda ruins | 1 | In the Underworks, on a shelf in a small room near the manhole entrance. There is also a mini nuke in a box next to it. |
Charnel House | 1 | In a scavenger's house north of Charnel House. Located behind the bed in a crate. |
Chryslus Building | 2 | One is inside the building in a small room filled with debris (in the bottom right corner of the local map) in a crate under a desk on the first floor. The other is at the end of a destroyed highway bridge halfway between the Chryslus Building and the Corvega Factory (approach from the South between the City Liner bus and the Corvega billboard). |
Cliffside cavern | 1 | In the second cavern, on a table to the right. |
Das Kapitol | 2 | Eine in der Kantine des Ostflügels, eine weitere in der Kantine des Sitzungssaals. |
Deathclaw Sanctuary | 1 | Near the Endurance bobblehead. |
Dukov's Place | 1 | Up the stairs, in the bedroom, behind the bed on a shelf. Must be stolen. |
Dunwich Building | 1 | In a small room down the hall and to the right. |
Evergreen Mills | 1 | In the bazaar. It's behind the first bar on the right, inside a box with empty soda bottles. |
Flooded metro | 2 | One is on a table in the raider camp that is southeast of the metro station. The other is sitting on a gun cabinet inside the metro station, in the same room as The Shocker. |
Foggy Bottom station | 1 | Walking from the DCTA tunnel 014-B Potomac entrance, take the first left into the small area between the tracks where it can be found, along with a few raiders. It is located behind the gate next to the table and machinery. |
Fort Bannister | 1 | In the Commanding Officer's Quarters, in the same room as Commander Jabsco. At the bottom of the stairs, underneath the second-to-final flight. |
Fort Constantine | 1 | CO Quarters: in the room on the right (the kitchen area). |
Fort Independence | 1 | There's a Quantum sitting on a table in a room with a number of sleeping Outcast soldiers (same room as the Stealth Boy). |
Franklin Metro utility | 1 | Next to the Burnmaster. |
Georgetown West | 1 | In a Pulowski Preservation shelter to the left of the Grocer (which is to the left of the Radiation King). |
Germantown Police HQ | 1 | In a closet attached to the kitchen where Shorty is being held, in the southwest corner of the basement, behind a metal box. |
Geschichtsmuseum | 1 | Lower Halls, First Floor: One in a box under a table, next to two Nuka-Cola machines. |
Ghoul outpost | 1 | In the back room, in front of the cell with the Supermutant. |
Greener Pastures Disposal Site | 1 | In the office, same location as the Bobblehead - Agility. |
Hamilton's Hideaway | 1 | In a crate on a desk towards the back of the cave; there will be two raiders near the bottle listening to Galaxy News Radio. |
Hubris Comics | 1 | Near the Foreman's room, next to the terminal controlling the turrets. |
Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal | 2 | One is on a desk in the eastern office. The other is northwest of the waste disposal, lying on the ground next to a wrecked Nuka-Cola truck and trailer. |
Jocko's Pop & Gas stop | 1 | There is one in the shop, on a shelf behind the cash register. |
Jury Street Metro station | 1 | In the metro station, in Ryan Brigg's room. |
Kraftwerk VAPL-58 | 2 | Inside the power station on the workbench. In a makeshift shed by the billboard southeast of the power station. |
L.O.B. Enterprises | 1 | After entering the L.O.B. Enterprises building, take a right and then take the hallway left. Keep going west-northwest, and there will eventually be a room with a set of stairs going down. Across the stairs (don't actually go down the stairs, just look across), there will be a Nuka-Cola Quantum on a shelf. Closest map marker is Falls Church. |
La Maison Beauregard | 1 | One bottle on the second floor, near the radio. |
Lincoln Memorial | 1 | Go inside the maintenance room, take a right, then look right; and it's on a shelf. |
Lucky's | 1 | There is one in a wrecked display case, it needs to be stolen. The closest marker is Warrington station. |
Mama Dolce's | 1 | On the highest floor, on a desk with an active terminal in a room in the northeast corner containing a first aid box, a broken door and a Nuka-Cola vending machine. |
Marigold station | 1 | Inside the metro station, behind the terminal in the Queen ant's hatchery. |
MDPL mass relay station | 1 | In the safe with a very hard lock. The terminal (very hard) on the desk can be hacked to open the lock as well. |
MDPL-13 power station | 1 | On the workbench as soon as entering the power substation, directly west of the entrance to the main plant. There is also a schematic for the railway rifle. |
MDPL-16 power station | 1 | On the workbench. |
Milchwirtschaft Chaste Acres | 6 | One is to the south inside the bathtub in the irradiated outhouse. Five are just west of the dairy farm in the back of a crashed Nuka-Cola truck near an unmarked gas station. This is the truck that was delivering the shipment from the Nuka-Cola plant. |
Minefield | 2 | Southwest of Minefield is a power sub-station surrounded by a fence with an easy locked gate. One Quantum is on a girder above the sub-station. It has to be shot down from the beam and the locked gate must be picked to get it. Another Quantum is under a nearby power transmission tower across the road to the south. Also under the tower is a BB gun and some ammunition, which is useful as the low power of the BB gun will not send the bottle flying randomly, where it may be lost. |
Mirelurk nesting hole | 1 | At the hatching site protected by a mirelurk king at the end, in a nook next to the girders and above some concrete slabs. |
Murder Pass | 1 | Between Lamplight caverns and Vault 87 on a metal shelf. |
Museum of Technology | 1 | Inside the Planetarium maintenance room. |
National Guard depot | 1 | Bunker: underneath the table with the experimental MIRV. |
Nuka-Cola plant | 4 | One is located in one of the trucks behind the plant. Three more are at the production line. The machinery must be started by activating it at a computer located in the room next to the production line. |
Oasis | 1 | Near where Harold's heart is found, there is a door to a damp cave. Inside the cave is a mirelurk king, mirelurk hunter, and a mirelurk. The Quantum is down where the mirelurk king is. |
Olney sewers | 1 | In a room with some bedding. The room is located directly southwest of the lower Old Olney exit on the local map. After entering the sewers, the door leading to this room is to the left. Heading to the right will only lead to a large number of deathclaws. |
Paradise Falls | 5 | In Eulogy Jones' pad. Head towards the stairwell, but go into the space next to the stairs and there will be several crates with Nuka-Cola Quantum. There are 5 bottles in all. |
Potomac River | 1 | In the water due east of the Springvale school map marker. It is below a section of intact highway in the middle of the river with a blue car teetering out over the edge of it. The Quantum is in the water directly below the car. It will often float to the surface with empty and full bottles of Nuka-Cola when approached. |
Red Racer factory | 1 | Very top floor CEO offices, the Surgeon's room. Inside the small room that is lit up in red, and has Stefan locked in it. |
Regulator HQ | 1 | In the back room in an open locker (only available with the Lawbringer perk). |
Republic of Dave | 1 | In Dave's room on top of Dave's personal safe (must be stolen). |
Rockbreaker's Last Gas | 1 | In the fenced area, on top of a Nuka-Cola machine. |
Rock Creek caverns | 1 | In a wooden crate at B on the local map image. To get to it, walk up the fallen stalactite at A, which rests at an angle against a wall in the first and largest chamber of Rock Creek caverns. At its tip, jump up to where some mushrooms are located. Hugging the wall, walk on the skinny ledge around to B. |
Roosevelt Academy | 1 | In the library, on the eastern-most side of Roosevelt Academy: After walking in, there's a Nuka-Cola Quantum to the left on a desk. This requires a lock pick skill of 100 in order to gain entry. There is also an underground maintenance route one can use to gain access to the Roosevelt Library. This route can be accessed through either Roosevelt Academy or the Athletics Hall. |
Satcom Array NN-03d | 2 | One is on the roof of an unmarked Outcast shack that is southwest of the array. Another is in the abandoned tent that is south of the array. |
Schlupfwinkel der Ameisterin | 1 | One next to the AntAgonizer's throne. Don't use the main entrance here, just use the sewer system on top of the hill to get straight to the throne room. |
Seward Sq. Northwest | 1 | Go into Capitol Building East entrance, go left, there is a bottle by the coffee maker in the first room. |
Sewer waystation | 2 | One is sitting in an open fridge right inside the waystation, and the other one is in Gallo's room inside the County sewer mainline. |
Smith Casey's Garage | 1 | Inside the garage. |
Springvale Elementary | 1 | On top of the giant cage just inside the main entrance (from Vault 101, head northeast and the main entrance is along the road facing west). Upon entry, there is a massive square cage. The bottle is on the far top edge and can either be shot down, obtained by walking around until upstairs and jumping across, or by going to the side of the cage the bottle is on and grabbing it while jumping. |
Statesman Hotel | 1 | In the restaurant, on the third floor (the level with the door to the roof) in the large bar area. It is located in a crate under the bar. |
Super-Duper Mart | 3 | In the pharmacy (the room with the protectron) there are some boxes containing Nuka-Cola, the 3 Quantums among them. The lock to the pharmacy can be picked or opened with the key found in the Mart. |
Taft Tunnel | 1 | Sitting on a picnic bench, next to a generator with a board on top of it. |
Takoma Industrial | 1 | Go inside the factory using the southwestern door. Once inside, head up the stairs to the left. There are wooden planks on the other side of the railing. Jump over the railing, onto the wooden planks and then onto the small ledge down below. There is a Nuka-Cola Quantum on the other side of the generator. |
Tenleytown/Friendship Station | 1 | There is one sitting on top of a bench upstairs in the big room with the bonfire. |
Vault 87 | 1 | Not to be confused with the bottle found in Murder Pass, another is located in one of the Vault's storage rooms, before encountering Fawkes. |
Vault 92 | 1 | In the living quarters passed the male dorm rooms. It is visible from the hall through a window. |
Vault 108 | 1 | Entrance floor, in a small storage room adjacent to the malfunctioning generator. Behind several yellow metal crates is a metal ladder, the bottle is on top of the ladder. |
Vault-Tec Hauptsitz | 1 | On the second floor in the Vault-Tec Corporate Offices, on a shelf on the northern section of the map. |
Vernon Square East | 1 | On a shelf at the westernmost point inside the Vernon East/Takoma Park metro station. |
Warrington station | 1 | In Roy Phillips' room, between a couple metal boxes on the floor. |
Yao guai tunnels | 1 | Enter the tunnel and go straight until reaching the 4-way intersection. Turn left at the intersection. It is sitting on a table, easily seen. A radio is tuned to GNR nearby. |
Abandoned apartments | 3 | The door to the abandoned apartments is across the road from Haven. In one of the rooms, there is a Nuka-Cola Quantum on the counter in plain sight. Under this counter is another. The third is at the only place on the third floor that is accessible (NW corner of the building). |
Adams Air Force Base | 2 | One is in the air control tower. After opening the ramp in the top chamber, go left, and then look underneath the second desk to the left. Another can be found in the storage facility on a table next to two mini nukes. |
Museum Authority Building | 1 | In a toilet tank in the women's restroom. |
Old Olney underground | 1 | In the stone basement is a locked cell door. Inside is a bottle of Quantum, along with some ammunition boxes. |
Präsidentenmetro | 1 | After clearing out the ghouls M.A.R.Go.T. warns about, it is in a room down the right of the tracks. "Equipment room" is written next to the door . |
Calvert Mansion | 1 | In the panic room, on a shelf to the left along with 4 other Nuka-Colas. These colas have been made miniature to fit on the shelf. |
Flooded sinkhole | 2 | Floating in the water, among other debris. |
Ritual site | 1 | Hidden in an open casket in the northern-most part of the caves. |
Trapper's shack | 1 | Basement, in the swamplurk enclosure. |
Engineering core | 3 | 1 appears in a box with some alien power cells after returning to the engineering core. The other two appear in a box behind a generator after returning once more to the engineering core. |
- Die Quantum wird benötigt um Nuka-Granaten herzustellen.
- Die Möglichkeit süchtig nach der Quantum zu werden liegt bei 10%.
- Die Quantum hat den Nebeneffekt, dass der Urin des Trinkers leuchtet.
- Die Quantum in Desmonds Bunker in Point Lookout ist kleiner als eine normale Flasche.
- Mit Broken Steel kam ein neues Extra namens Quantum-Apotheker. Das Extra wandelt 10 Nuka-Colas in 1 Quantum um.
- In Girdershade gibt es die Quest "Der Nuka Cola-Wettbewerb".
- Vom französichen Zweig eines bekannten Süßwarenherstellers gibt es unter dem Namen "Purple Cola P!k" die Quantum zum Naschen (zumindest ca. 50% der Packung).