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Fallout Wiki

Das Notsignal der Ausgestoßenen erlangt man automatisch, sobald das Ödland der Hauptstadt nach laden des Operation: Anchorage Add-On betreten wird. Dies könnte einige Minuten brauchen (wie unten beschrieben), aber ein Gebäude verlassen beschleunigt den Vorgang.

Defender Morrill asks any Outcast capable of receiving the signal for support. Listening to his message starts the Aiding the Outcasts quest.


"This is Defender Morrill, any Outcasts listening on this frequency report to sector 7-B, Bailey's Crossroads. This is a high-priority message, backup is needed at our location. Any personnel listening on this frequency please report at once."


  • It may take a few minutes for the signal to appear after starting/loading a game.
  • If you have the add-on Point Lookout installed, you can pick up the signal in Point Lookout.

Vorlage:Navbox Radiosender FO3
