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Shady Sands (genannt das Republik Neukalifornien, RNK in-game), ist die Hauptstadt einer Vereinigung der Städte in Kalifornien vom selben Namen. Mit einer Bevölkerung in die Zehntausende, es ist die größte Siedlung in der Kernregion.


The town of New California Republic can be found nineteen squares east and twenty-seven squares south of Arroyo.


Shady Sands[]

Hauptartikel: Shady Sands

The New California Republic was born out of the remnants of the survivors of Vault 15, a sister vault to Vault 13 that opened earlier and released its occupants out onto the wasteland. Abandoning their vault (after scavenging most of what they could from the surviving technology and collapsed lower levels), the former residents of Vault 15 founded the small farming community of Shady Sands, a town midway between Vault 13 and 15. In the 2160's, the community was led by Aradesh.

Aufschwung der RNK[]

The daughter of Aradesh, Tandi, eventually rose to the title of president of the sprawling New California Republic. At the time of Fallout 2, Shady Sands has been renamed "New California Republic." The town has since been transformed from a small farming town into the largest civilized population center in the Core Region, made prosperous through trading with other towns. Almost nothing of Shady Sands remains, only a few familiar looking buildings. NCR's main resource are its great brahmin herds, which provide most of the wasteland with as much meat and leather as they require. The brahmin barons and ranchers in NCR (along with the Stockmen's Association) hold a great deal of sway with the caravans and the government.


Name Vergeber Belohnung
Retrive Parts/Gain Access to Vault 15 Tandi $500–6000, increase reputation in NCR and Vault 15
"Take care of Officer Jack" for Mira Mira 0/9000 XP, Fertigkeitsbücher
Complete brahmin drive Duppo $0–3000 (0, wenn kein Brahmin überlebt)
Retrieve papers from Dr Henry Merk 1000 XP, $1000
Test mutagenic serum on a super-mutant. Try Broken Hills Henry Robohund
Eliminate Mr. Bishop Roger Westin variabel, 750 XP o. $1125
Deliver Westin's holodisk to Lynette in Vault City Roger Westin 1500/2500 XP, H&K G11, 2 frag grenades
Get the map from the NCR Rangers, for Vortis the slaver Vortis 500 Dollar
Free the slaves in the slave pen, for the Rangers Elise, RNK-Ranger Preliminary acceptance into the Rangers, 3000 XP, Ranger Marke
Deliver Hubologist's field report to AHS-9 in San Francisco Die Erleuchtete 500 XP
Kill Hubologist in NCR for Merk Merk 2000 XP, -10 Karma, Decrease reputation in NCR
Stop brahmin raids Roger Westin $200, Lage von Vault 13


Verbundene Quests[]


New California Republic kommt in Fallout 2 Logo Fallout 2 vor. The New California Republic was first mentioned in the Fallout end cutscenes for Shady Sands and it first appeared in Fallout 2. Although not seen in Fallout: New Vegas, several NCR soldiers mention that the city of New California Republic is their hometown.

Vorlage:Navbox Stadt RNK
