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Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
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Für eine Liste der Spielercharaktere in den Spielen der Fallout Reihe, siehe Spielercharakter.

Natalia Dubrovhsky ist eine Bewohnerin von Vault 13 in 2161 und eine (nicht-kanonisch) mögliche Indentität des Vault-Bewohner.


Natalia is the grand-child of a Russian diplomat who worked at the Soviet Consulate in Los Angeles. She is a talented acrobat, with excellent coordination and reflexes. She is extremely intelligent and resourceful. Her only difficulty as a young child was understanding personal property laws. Natalia is very interested in leaving the Vault, and curious to explore the outside world.

Interaktionen mit dem Spielercharakter[]

Allgemein Dienstleistungen Quests
Begleiter: Nein
Sprechender Kopf: Nein
Händler: Nein
Modifiziert Gegenstände: Nein
Doktor: Nein
Startet Quests: Nein
An Quests beteiligt: Nein


Kleidung Waffen Weitere Gegenstände


  • Die Fertigkeit Waffenlos heißt in Fallout 1 Logo Fallout Unbewaffnet.
  • She is designed to offer a stealthy, as opposed to a combative or diplomatic, approach to solving the central conflict of the game: the Meister.
  • If her strong suits are played right, confronting the Master may not even be an issue, as one can simply sneak in and detonate the nuke hidden below the Cathedral.
  • As the Vault Dweller is established as male in Fallout 2 Logo Fallout 2, she cannot canonically be the Vault Dweller.
  • Interestingly, her biography, the in-game description of the Fallout 1 Logo Fallout AK-112 assault rifle and a couple of plaques in Museum of Technology in Fallout 3 Logo Fallout 3 are the only places where the Soviet Union is ever mentioned in any of the Fallout games.
  • All non-player characters using the default appearance for females have Natalia's likeness, as their hairstyles look alike to her depiction.


Natalia Dubrovhsky kommt nur in dem Original Fallout 1 Logo Fallout vor.

