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Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Die Metro Penn. Ave/Die Promenade Station ist eine eingestürzte Metrostation; die Tunnel darunter sind volständig blockiert. It serves as a link between Pennsylvania Avenue and The Mall.



Your standard metro entrance. To the right of the door and stairs as you are entering from Pennsylvania Avenue there is a metal crate that has been found to contain railway spikes and a metro ticket.


The interior consists of a single Metro station, with exits to the Mall and Pennsylvania Avenue. The tunnels leaving the station have all collapsed, leaving only the platform and its lower level accessible. There appears to be the remains of a small human outpost that was overrun by either the feral ghouls or raiders, as the bodies of two wastelanders and a raider can be found nearby. A few feral ghouls scaled to the player's level occupy the Metro tunnels. Other than loot from the corpses of any hostiles and the two wastelanders, two ammunition boxes can be found on the mezzanine, one has a very easy lock.


Die Metro Penn. Ave/Die Promenade Metro kommt nur in Fallout 3 vor.

