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Fallout Wiki

Leiser Tod ist ein Extra in Fallout 1 Logo Fallout, Fallout 2 Logo Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics und J.E. Sawyer's Fallout RPG.

Wenn du beim Schleichen eine Kreatur in den Rücken triffst, fügst du im Nahkampf doppelten Schaden zu. Dieser Bonus heißt Leiser Tod.Fallout 2 Logo Fallout 2 Ingame Beschreibung

This perk will not double the damage caused by a critical hit and critical hits do at least two times normal damage. This means that the Totschläger perk is much more useful and after picking that perk, this perk becomes useless.


A weaker equivalent of this perk called "Backstab" appears in Lionheart. It has also been carried over to Fallout 3 Logo Fallout 3 in the form of sneak attack criticals, which does not require any perk.

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