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Diese Seite enthält eine Liste mit Hinweisen auf den Ladebildschirmen in Fallout Shelter.

Benutzt du erfolgreich den Tempomodus, erhälst du neben der normalen Belohnung noch einen Bonus!

Assign Dwellers to production rooms to obtain resources.
Dwellers run on Food and Water. Dwellers with high Strength perform better in Power rooms.
Bewohner mit hoher Wahrnehmung sind effektiver in Wasserräumen. Bewohner mit hoher Beweglichkeit sind effektiver in Nahhrungsräumen.
Bau eine Krankenstation um Stimpaks herzustellen. Build a Science Lab to produce RadAways.
Verbesserst du einen Raum, steigen Effizienz und Lagervolumen. The Weight Room will allow you to train a Dweller's Strength.
The Armory room will allow you to train a Dweller's Perception. The Fitness Room will allow you to train a Dweller's Endurance.
The Lounge will allow you to train a Dweller's Charisma. Im Klassenzimmer verbessern Bewohner ihre Intelligenz.
Im Sportraum verbessern Bewohner ihre Beweglichkeit. The Game Room will allow you to train a Dweller's Luck.
Build Storage Rooms to increase your Vault's Weapon and Outfit holding capacity. Es gibt höherstufige Versionen der Produktionsräume, die effektiver, aber auch teurer sind.
Wenn du auf einer Ebene keinen Bauplatz mehr hast, bau einen Aufzug, um tiefere Ebenen zu erreichen. Build Medbays and Science Labs to increase your limit of Stimpaks and RadAways.
Räume, die am weitesten von einer Energiequelle entfernt sind, werden zuerst abgeschaltet. Je länger ein Bewohner im Ödland überlebt, desto bessere Ausrüstung findet er.
When a room finishes production, you have a chance to get bonus CAPS based on the Dwellers' Luck. Apple iOS, Android OS Tap a Dweller's SPECIAL chart for more details.
PC Click a Dweller's SPECIAL chart for more details.
Xbox One Click the Right Stick while a Dweller is selected for more details on their SPECIAL stats.
Blinkende Ressourcen-Anzeigen bei einem Raider-Angriff bedeuten, dass Ressourcen gestohlen werden!

Wird ein Bewohner dem Radiostudio zugewiesen, erhöht sich das Glück aller Bewohner.

Apple iOS, Android OS You can rename a Dweller by tapping their name on the Dweller information pop-up.
PC You can rename a Dweller by clicking their name on the Dweller information pop-up.
Xbox One You can rename a selected Dweller by clicking the Left Stick.
Apple iOS, Android OS You can skip 1 Objective each day by tapping the X on the Objective screen.
PC Du kannst ein Ziel pro Tag überspringen, indem du auf das X im Zielbildschirm klickst.
Xbox One You can skip 1 Objective each day by pressing [Y] on the Objective screen.
If a room is full of Dwellers, the Dweller with the lowest stat for that room will swap places with the new Dweller. You can get free Lunchboxes for completing some Objectives.
Confused how something works? Check the VDSG in the Pip-Boy for help. Du kannst dem Vault-Eingang Bewohner als Wachen zuweisen.
Upgrading your Vault entrance will make it harder for Raiders to break in. Brauchst Du mehr KRONKORKEN? Dann verkauf Waffen und Outfits aus deinem Vault-Lager.
Higher level Dwellers with high SPECIAL have a better chance of surviving in the Wasteland. Apple iOS, Android OS You can sort the Dweller list by tapping on the column names.
PC Du kannst die Bewohnerliste sortieren, indem du auf die Spaltennamen klickst.
Xbox One You can sort the Dweller list by selecting column names with [LB] and [RB].
Apple iOS, Android OS Tap on the resource bars at the top of the screen for more details on your resource storage.
PC Click on the resource bars at the top of the screen for more details on your resource storage.
Xbox One Click the Left Stick for more details on your resource storage.
Dein Bewohner erleidet keine Schäden oder Verstrahlungen, wenn er aus dem Ödland zurückkehrt.
Each SPECIAL stat increases a Dweller's effectiveness in the Wasteland in its own way. Apple iOS, Android OS To quickly check on your Dwellers exploring, just tap directly on the Wasteland.
PC To quickly check on your Dwellers exploring, just click directly on the Wasteland.
Xbox One To quickly check on your Dwellers exploring, just press [DL].
Raiders can strike any time, be sure to have Dwellers ready and on guard!

Radio rooms attract new Dwellers and improve the happiness in your Vault.

A nuclear winter is cold, keep warm with Vault-Tec! Vault-Tec. We'll be there!
Es können nur Räume derselben Stufe verbunden werden. Vault-Tec rules limit Vault capacity to 200 Dwellers.
Send Mr. Handy to the Wasteland to collect CAPS and items. You can only have one Mr. Handy assigned to a floor at a time.
Mole rats start in rooms that are touching dirt and can spread throughout your Vault. Mr. Handy will stay on his assigned floor collecting resources until moved to a different floor.
Deathclaws are faster, stronger and deadlier than Raiders. Dwellers with high Endurance suffer less radiation damage in the Wasteland.
Apple iOS, Android OS Drag a Dweller to the Wasteland and tap the red Vault Door button to evict them from the Vault.
PC Drag a Dweller to the Wasteland and click on the red Vault Door button to evict them from the Vault.
Xbox One Assign a Dweller to the Wasteland and select the red Vault Door button to evict them from the Vault.
Want to fill your Vault with Ghouls? Check out the upgraded Barbershop!
Dwellers with high Endurance gain more health when they level up. Alle S.P.E.C.I.A.L.-Werte helfen deinen Bewohnern beim Kampf gegen Kreaturen im Ödland.
Crafting Rare and Legendary items always requires Rare and Legendary Junk, respectively. Junk isn't as easy to find in the Wasteland as Weapons and Outfits. Make sure your Dwellers are up to the task.
Feeling lucky? When you scrap an item, you might get all the Junk from its Recipe. Vault-Tec takes some of the Outfits worn by new arrivals and puts them in Lunchboxes.
Mit Nuka-Cola Quantum kannst du die Herstellung eines Gegenstands sofort abschließen. You can use Nuka-Cola Quantum to speed up the Barbershop.
Mit Nuka-Cola Quantum kannst du deine Quest SOFORT erreichen! Apple iOS, Android OS Tap the screen to skip dialogue during Quests.
PC Click anywhere to skip dialogue during Quests.
Xbox One Press [A] to skip dialogue during Quests.
Dwellers exploring the Wasteland have a chance of finding surprise locations. Don’t forget to pack Rad-Away on Quest, some of the enemies do Rad damage.
Einige Gegner bei Quests sind mächtiger und haben besondere Angriffe. Versuche, sie zuerst zu erledigen! Dweller health does not replenish over time in a Quest… Be sure to pack tons of Stimpaks before leaving.
Pets equipped to dead Dwellers that are not revived during Quests will return to the Vault. Rescued dwellers will wait outside your Vault when a Quest is completed.
Spar dir deine kritischen Treffer für Momente auf, wenn sie den meisten Schaden verursachen! Deathclaws are tough, don’t be a hero, bring your friends.
Bring pets on quests to give Dwellers a damage boost! Upgrade the Overseer’s Office to send more Teams on Quests.
Some Quests require Secret Clues to unlock. Loot every container you can! Kritische Treffer können im Kampf das Blatt wenden... Setze Sie mit Bedacht ein.
Haustierboni wirken auch während Quests, also bring ein paar pelzige Freunde mit! Find a shiny new gun while on a Quest? You can equip it right away!
Bewohner, die während einer Quest sterben, können erst nach Ende der Quest wiederbelebt werden. Be sure to keep your Dwellers healthy during boss fights, some bosses have powerful attacks.
Failed quests can always be retried... for a few CAPS. Dwellers with high Agility attack faster during quests.
Heute schon ein Ziel übersprungen? Mit Nuka-Cola Quantum kannst du noch mehr überspringen. Get Theme Recipes by finding all of their Fragments on Quests.
You can craft Minutemen and Brotherhood of Steel Themes in the Theme Workshop. You can craft Railroad and Institute Themes in the Theme Workshop.
Designs können nur auf vollständig verbundene und verbesserte Diner und Baracken angewendet werden. Mit Nuka-Cola Quantum kannst du manche Quests beschleunigen.
You can use Nuka-Cola Quantum to speed up a Dweller’s SPECIAL training. Mit Nuka-Cola kannst du fehlende Design-Rezeptfragmente bekommen.
Selbst wenn du den externen Sendebetrieb eines Radiostudios stoppst, steigert es die Zufriedenheit der Bewohner.