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Die K9000-Cyberhund-Pistole ist eine Waffe im Fallout: New Vegas Add-On Old World Blues.


This weapon is actually an odd form of cyberdog, except instead of a robotic body in the image of a canine companion, a living dog's brain has been provided with a machine gun frame, utilizing .357 magnum ammunition. Its "canine" features include two metallic "ears" mounted on top of the weapon that move like a real dog's, and a sniffer mounted on the jar containing its preserved brain, allowing the gun to sense its surroundings. The metal ears also appear to move up and down faster if the gun is pointing in the direction of an enemy.

It will growl when the player has it equipped and comes into contact with enemies, whine (mournfully) when they un-equip it, and will bark when equipped. It also has, atypically for a machine gun, a telescopic sight (x2.43 magnification) which gives a relatively accurate aiming point and excellent precision in firing for a chain-gun type weapon. When fired the barrels reciprocate, rather than spinning like those of the minigun.

The K9000 can also detect enemies out of visual and Perception range. When the weapon and its sniffer hover in the direction of an enemy for a few seconds, it will let out a detection growl, even at extreme range or when the enemy is hidden from appearing on radar.


The K9000 cyberdog gun can fire a total of about 2495 standard rounds, the equivalent of 50 reloads, from full condition before breaking.

Standard, HS & JFP249550
.38 Spezial332967


  • K9000 mod - Mentat chow - Increases rate of fire by 40%
  • K9000 mod - Resla roil - Increases weapon DAM by 2.


  • FIDO


Waffenname (aktuelle Waffe ist hervorgehoben)- Waffenname (Nahkampf oder Unbewaffnet)Angriffe in V.A.T.S.- Angriffe in V.A.T.S.
Waffenname (aktuelle Waffe ist hervorgehoben)- Waffenname (Schuss/Energie/Explosion)Aktionspunkte-Kosten- Aktionspunkte-Kosten
Schaden pro Angriff/Projektil- Schaden pro Angriff/ProjektilSchaden pro Aktionspunkt- Schaden pro Aktionspunkt
Schaden pro Sekunde- Schaden pro SekundeWaffenstreuung- Waffenstreuung
Flächenschaden- FlächenschadenMagazinkapazität- Magazinkapazität
Effekt Schaden & Dauer- Effekt Schaden & DauerHaltbarkeit (Anzahl der Angriffe bis defekt)- Haltbarkeit (Anzahl der Angriffe bis defekt)
Bonus Effekte- Bonus EffekteGewicht- Gewicht
Angriffe pro Sekunde- Angriffe pro SekundeWert in Kronkorken- Wert in Kronkorken
Kritische Chance % Multiplikator- Kritische Chancen % MultiplikatorWert im Verhältnis zum Gewicht- Wert im Verhältnis zum Gewicht
Kritischer Schaden- Kritischer SchadenBenötigte Fertigkeitsstufe- Benötigte Fertigkeitsstufe
Kritischer Effektschaden & Dauer- Kritischer Effektschaden & DauerBenötigte Stärke- Benötigte Stärke
Mit allen ausgerüsteten Mods- Mit allen ausgerüsteten Mods
WaffennameSchaden pro Angriff/ProjektilSchaden pro SekundeSchuss pro SekundeKritische Chance % MultiplikatorKritischer SchadenAngriffe in V.A.T.S.Aktionspunkte-KostenSchaden pro AktionspunktWaffenstreuungMagazinkapazitätHaltbarkeit (Anzahl der Angriffe/Schüsse bis defekt)GewichtWert in KronkorkenWert im Verhältnis zum GewichtBenötigte FertigkeitsstufeBenötigte Stärke
K9000-Cyberhund-Pistole Old World Blues (Add-On)26
K9000-Cyberhund-Pistole Mit allen angebrachten Waffenmodifikationen Old World Blues (Add-On)28
FIDO Old World Blues (Add-On)36


  • Big MT - The player receives it from the think tanks after passing a Guns check of 50.
  • Without the necessary Guns skill one can be found in the X-12 research center, carried by the Y-17 master trauma harness (upgraded sonic emitter required).


  • The K9000 cyberdog gun causes certain distress in Dr. Klein, as he is afraid that the gun may attempt to "hump his chassis."
  • When fully upgraded, the K9000 cyberdog gun will have a higher DPS than its unique variant, FIDO.
  • It is one of the rarest non-unique weapons, with a maximum of two being obtainable.
  • When received from the Think Tank after passing the Guns check of 50, if the Courier has a Guns skill of 75 or higher, he/she will also be given some .357 rounds with it.
  • The K9000 cyberdog gun is the only fully automatic weapon in Fallout: New Vegas that uses .357 magnum rounds.

Hinter den Kulissen[]

  • K9 is a homophone for "canine," another word for dogs. This abbreviation is often used as a designation for police and military units specialized in using dogs.


  • Playstation 3 PC Xbox 360 When using a Stealth Boy with the K-9000 cyberdog gun equipped, the brain case turns yellow. [bestätigt]
  • Playstation 3 PC Xbox 360 There is a bug in the V.A.T.S. animation whereby it shows the weapon ejecting 12 spent cartridge cases instead of the correct number of 3. A close inspection of the damage dealt during one V.A.T.S. round will show that the weapon will deal the correct damage of 3 rounds, and 3 rounds will be properly deducted from your inventory. [bestätigt]
  • PC Xbox 360 There is a bug that sometimes after wearing it, the Ammo Pack will be stuck on your back. This can be fixed by restarting the Game. [bestätigt]


Vorlage:Navbox Old World Blues

Klammern () zeigen einzigartige Waffen Varianten an, kursiv bedeutet Waffen aus Add-Ons, * bedeutet Versteckte Waffe.