He used to be a member of the Union of Atomic Workers years before his arrival in the Hub, but he left to see the world. He established his shop in the Hub, where he is generally tolerated despite the police not liking his business. He sells only high-quality, high-end weapons to the discerning customer, and he fine-tunes owned weapons together with his associates before selling them.
Entrance ·Hub Downtown (Maltese Falcon, All-n-One Store, Beth's Weapon Shop) ·Old Town ·Water Tower ·Heights ·Irwin's Farm ·Deathclaw's lair
Dispose of merchant ·Dispose of Jain ·Find the missing caravans ·Steal necklace from the Merchants ·Blackmail Iguana Bob ·Hilf Irwin ·Guard the caravans ·Clean out the Loan Shark ·Take down Decker ·Rescue Initiate from the Hub
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