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JM - Das Jungsmagazin ist ein Fertigkeitsmagazin in Fallout New Vegas Logo Fallout: New Vegas.


Das Lesen des Magazins gewährt einen vorübergehenden Bonus von 10 auf die Überlebens-Fertigkeit des Spielers.


Dieser Gegenstand kann vom Spieler hergestellt werden.

Blankomagazin (2)
Unersättlicher Leser
Einsammeln eines Exemplars, nachdem das Unersättlicher Leser-Extra ausgewählt wurde.
JM - Das Jungsmagazin (1)

¹ Ohne Werkbank herstellbar mittels einer Dialog-Option mit Veronica oder mit ED-E wenn das Add-On Lonesome Road DLC cover art Lonesome Road installiert ist.


Im Folgenden eine Liste aller festen Fundorte des Fertigkeitsmagazins in Fallout New Vegas Logo Fallout: New Vegas und dessen Add-Ons. Für eine Übersicht über Magazine pro Fundort siehe die Übersichtsseite.

Nächste KartenmarkierungOrtsbeschreibung
Broc flower caveOn the floor of the lower irradiated chamber, in the middle area near the skeletons
Camp GolfHouse Resort, second floor, on a bed in the northern center room (with terminal). Must be stolen.
Camp GolfCamp Golf tent, the one with Sgt. McCredie in it, on the middle right desk. Must be stolen.
Camp GolfCampground just east of Camp Golf, in a caravan close to the road and Lake Las Vegas lakebed
Camp McCarranInside the eastern-most tent nearest to the blue tractor-trailer, two military (green) trucks, and a single, unattached trailer in the SE area in the front courtyard
Camp McCarranConcourse, in the waiting area section with the pool table, on the floor, just in front of the second most right bench
Cannibal Johnson's caveOn one of the shelves
Captain Dean Boat RentalsAs you enter, on the bottom shelf to the left
Charleston CaveOn a shelf in a room near a submerged section, at the back of the cave
Cottonwood CoveHeadquarters, inside Aurelius of Phoenix's desk, which also contains the Recompense of the Fallen
Dry Wells Lonesome Road (Add-On)In a lead-lined metal box together with a Today's Physician, west on the map on a ledge with several ammunition boxes and stimpaks
GoodspringsInside the first house to north-east of Doc Mitchell's house, sitting on a step ladder
GoodspringsGoodsprings schoolhouse, on the floor near the middle of the room next to the large group of ruined desks
Goodsprings CaveHeld by a dead female wastelander, near a duffle bag at the back of the cave
Goodsprings CemeteryJust east of the water tower down the hill where a lot of radscorpions are located; also a dead mercenary with loot
JacobstownJacobstown lodge, up the right hand staircase; first room on the left, on a bed with a shelf and surgical instruments piled on it; doctor's bag on the floor in doorway
Junction 7 rest stop Lonesome Road (Add-On)In Parker's Restaurant and Fountain, ground level, near and upside down table under a ruined book
Lake Mead CaveAt the back (south) of the cave, among some suitcases and ammunition box
Mountain Shadows CampgroundOn a picnic table just east of the campground
NCR Ranger safehouseIn a pool of green water near two skeletons east from the Ranger safehouse and North to north-east of Black Mountain
Nellis Air Force BaseNellis schoolhouse, inside the teacher's desk (very easy lock), with a Patriot's Cookbook and a Today's Physician
Old Mormon FortSold by Julie Farkas at a discount, after providing her with enough supplies during the unmarked quest Friend of the Followers
Powder Ganger camp southInside a crate of burnt books, just south of the NCR Correctional Facility
Ranger station AlphaInside the leftmost camp
Ranger station DeltaOn the table inside the tent
Ranger station FoxtrotOn the table inside the tent, to the left of the Duck and Cover!; not visible and only obtainable by disabling the table
Red Rock CanyonNW tent around the fire, on the floor with/under a Programmer's Digest and Milsurp Review
Securitron de-construction plant Old World Blues (Add-On)Outside on the right most picnic table closest to the gate in the South side entrance
South Vegas RuinsZapp's Neon Signs, along with Boxing Times next to Nuka-Cola Quartz in upstairs office on shelf
Sunstone Tower roof Lonesome Road (Add-On)Office room one level below the roof, in a Hard Locked filing cabinet in the corner, together with a True Police Stories
Techatticup MineRight of the entrance in the area with the 2 NCR hostages
The Courier's Mile Lonesome Road (add-on)At the center of the map, between a burning car and a warhead under some ruined books
The Tops13th floor, on top of the fire place in Benny's suite
The Tops13th floor, in the High Roller suite
Yangtze MemorialIn the abandoned shack to the northwest, to the right of the shelves in the back
Westside Co-opOn the counter, next to a Salesman Weekly near Etienne
Z-9 Crotalus DNA preservation lab Old World Blues (Add-On)In the west room with a non-functional terminal, in a bin up high in the cabinet
Zion Fishing Lodge Honest HeartsBehind the couch
Zion Valley Welcome Booth Honest HeartsOn one of the wooden benches in front of the booth

Hinter den Kulissen[]

JM - Das Jungsmagazin (englisch Lad's Life) ist ein Verweis auf "Boys' Life" [1], die monatliche Zeitschrift der Pfadfinder von Amerika.

Externe Verweise[]

  1. ^ Boys' Life, engl. Wikipedia