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Fallout Wiki
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Für die komplette Zeitleiste der Ereignisse in der Fallout-Welt, siehe Zeitleiste.

Das ist eine Zeitleiste von bekannten Geburtstagen für Charaktere der Fallout-Reihe.

Die Quellen aller Informationen sollten für Geburtstage immer inbegriffen sein.


Datum Charakter Beschreibung Quelle
2020/06/25 Robert House Owner, CEO and sole proprietor of The Strip Robert House obituary in Fallout New Vegas Logo Fallout: New Vegas
2047 Raul Tejada Mechanic and former gunslinger Dialogue with Raul Tejada in Fallout New Vegas Logo Fallout: New Vegas
2051 Carol Underworld ghoul Carol's dialogue in Fallout 3 Logo Fallout 3
2053 ZAX 1.0 Supercomputer A.I. In the database, if you hack into it.
2053/02/05 The Survivalist Survivor inhabiting Zion-Tal. Terminal entry in Morning Glory cave.
2065 M.A.R.Go.T. Presidential metro A.I. Dialogue in Fallout 3
2072 Harold An old FEV mutant and an important character in the Fallout story Fallout Official Survival Guide
2072 Rex Cyberdog at Freeside
2076 Lily Bowen Nachtvolk farmer at Jacobstown
2097 John Maxson Stählerne Bruderschaft High Elder 0 (Fallout Bible)
2133 Albert Cole Charismatic pre-made Fallout 1 Logo Fallout player character Bio
2138 Maxwell Stone Combative pre-made Fallout player character Bio
2141 Spring Vault Dweller Fallout player character Fallout 1 Logo Fallout
2144 Natalia Dubrovhsky Stealthy pre-made Fallout player character Bio
2145 Tandi Daughter of Aradesh, president of NCR 0 (Fallout Bible)
2153 Keith Stählerne Bruderschaft (Mittlerer Westen) Rekrut
2178 Rebecca Stählerne Bruderschaft (Mittlerer Westen) Rekrut, Multiplayer CharaKter
2188 Arroyo elder Leader of Arroyo
2197 Allistair Tenpenny Besitzer des Tenpenny Towers Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2201 Joseph Dodge Governor of Hoover-Staudamm town
2201 Pierre LaPoubelle scribe (formerly), Chief engineer, scientist
2201 Agatha Egglebrecht Old woman
2202 Owyn Lyons Stählerne Bruderschaft (Ostküste), Ältester Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2209 Alice McLafferty Owner of Crimson Caravan Company
2209 Ralph Peoples Policeman
2209 Mingan Stealthy pre-made Fallout 2 Logo Fallout 2 player character Bio
2211 Frank Horrigan Secret service agent of the Enclave and president bodyguard 0 (Fallout Bible)
2212 Jericho Fallout 3 Begleiter Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2212 Lopez Suicidal Rivet City resident
2216 Walter Megaton resident
2216 Phyllis Resident medical assistant
2217 Horace Pinkerton Scientist; Rivet City original resident
2217 Pater Clifford Reverend of Saint Monica's Church
2217 Poplar Bloomseer
2219 Mr. Zimmer Scientist from the Commonwealth Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2219 Mitch Stiller Policeman
2220 Valerie Repairwoman of Vault City Dialogue with Vic in Fallout 2 Logo Fallout 2
2220 Narg Combative pre-made Fallout 2 Logo Fallout 2 player character Bio
2221/03/23 Chosen One Fallout 2 Logo Fallout 2 player character 0 (Fallout Bible)
2221 Burke Right-hand man of Allistair Tenpenny
2221 Valerie Vault City Repairwoman
2222 Augustus Autumn Enclave Commanding Officer
2222 Evan King Mayor and defender of Arefu
2222 Chitsa Charismatic pre-made Fallout 2 Logo Fallout 2 player character Bio
2222 Forty Slaver
2222 Belle Bonny Bartender and proprietor
2222 Gary Staley Cook and diner owner
2226 Caesar (born Edward Sallow) Leader of Caesars Legion Fallout: New Vegas Offizielles Spielhandbuch collector's edition
2226 James Father of the Lone Wanderer and project head of Projekt Purity Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2227 Birch Treeminder Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2227 Colin Moriarty Moriarty's Saloon owner Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2227 Measles Willem Clark's bodyguard
2227 Tree Father Birch Tree father
2227 Preston Rivet City doctor
2227 Flak Merchant, former Slaver
2227 Shrapnel Merchant, Former Raider
2229 Madison Li Scientist
2229 Aaron Kimball President of the Republik Neukalifornien
2230 Dave President of the Republic of Dave
2231 Melchior Jr. Son of Melchior
2231 Paul Hannon Sr. Security Chief
2231 Dorris Empfangsangestellter
2231 Eulogy Jones Slaver, leader
2231 Beatrice Armstrong Vault Dweller
2232 Ymir Paradise Falls slaver Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2233 Measles Body guard
2233 Beichtvater Cromwell Religious leader
2234 Hannibal Hamlin Abolitionist, founder of the Tempel der Einheit His own dialog about his life.
2234 Dukov Retired Merc
2235 Chief Gustavo Chief of Security
2236 Lucas Simms Sheriff of Megaton
2236 Cutter Doctor
2236 Mutter Maya Religious leader
2237 Colvin Ritter Captain der Stählernen Bruderschaft Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2237 Dominic D'Ellsadro Town guard of Canterbury Commons Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2237 Ken Ewers Arefu resident Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2238 Ernest "Uncle" Roe Mayor of Canterbury Commons
2240 Karl Meresti Metro station resident Fallout 3 Official Game Guide, Game of the Year Edition
2241 Brailee Ewers Arefu resident Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2242 Harkness (Constructed at Commonwealth) android security chief of Rivet City
2242 Armitage (Constructed at Commonwealth) android body guard for Dr.Zimmer
2242 Donovan Engineer
2244 Ronald Laren Neighbor
2244 Rose of Sharon Cassidy Water merchant
2245 Caleb Smith Stonemason
2246 Arcade Gannon Member of the Followers of the Apocalypse and the Enclave Remnants
2246 Butcher Medic
2247 Bannon Salesman
2247 Garza One of Dr. Li's helpers at Projekt Purity
2247 Grouse Slaver
2247 Lana Danvers Rivet City security guard
2247 Mei Wong Former slave
2247 Reilly Head of Reilly's Rangers
2247 Rory Maclaren Slave
2247 Seagrave Holmes Besitzer vom Supply (Rivet City)
2247 Paladin Vargas Paladin der Stählernen Bruderschaft
2247 Yearling Gelehrte der Stählernen Bruderschaft Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2248 Sister Sklave
2249 Joe Porter Shopkeeper
2250 Vera Weatherly Rivet City resident Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2250 Cherry Prostitute
2251 Belle Last Born ghoul
2251 Sarah Lyons Sentinel of the Capital Wasteland BOS and commander of the Lyons' Pride
2251 Sierra Petrovita Nuka-Cola collector
2251 Simone Cameron Guard
2252 Cypress Branchtender
2252 Leo Stahl Bartender
2252 Linden Branchtender
2252 Lucy West Megaton resident
2252 Maple Branchtender (Gate guard)
2252 Nova Prostitute
2252 Stockholm Megaton sentry
2252 Trudy Mayor, Händler
2253 Brick Heavy Weapons
2253 Jenny Stahl Bartender
2253 Jessica 2nd wife of Dave
2253 Der einsame Fremde Musician
2253 Moira Brown Shopkeeper of Craterside Supply Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2254 Andy Stahl Megaton Restaurant owner Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2254 Fantasia Prostitute
2254 Karen Schenzy Arefu resident
2254 Veronica Santangelo Gelehrter der Stählernen Bruderschaft
2255 Silver Wastelander in debt to Colin Moriarty
2255 Theo Reilly's Rangers Reilly's terminal
2255 Alan Member of The Family Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2255 Alejandra Torres Entflohener Sklave at the Tempel der Einheit Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2255 Craig Boone Sniper at Novac
2257/12/27 Butch DeLoria Barber
2258/07/13 Lone Wanderer Fallout 3 Logo Fallout 3 player character Fallout 3 Logo Fallout 3
2257 Jackson Slaver
2258 Amata Almodovar Daughter of Vault 101's Overseer
2258 Bob Second in command/emperor
2258 Bone Slaver
2258 Machete Canterbury Commons junior law enforcer Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2258 Ted Strayer Rivet City resident Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2259 Diego Acolyte of Saint Monica's Church
2259 Sticky Temporary follower
2261 Angela Staley barmaid (Rivet City)
2262 Derek Pacion Child
2262 Ian West Vampire
2263 Knick Knack Merchant
2263 Klopf klopf Morale officer
2264 Eclair Cook
2264 Squirrel Paradise Falls slave, Little Lamplighter
2265 Mary Citizen of the Republic of Dave
2265 Penny Child
2265 Bürgermeister MacCready Mayor
2266 Lucy doctor of little lamplight
2266 Rachael Gate guard
2267 Harden Simms Son of Megaton sheriff
2267 Arthur Maxson Last descendant of the founders of the Stählerne Bruderschaft
2267 Sammy child
2268 Maggie Megaton resident Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2268 Zip Little Lamplight resident Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
2269 Yew Sapling
2269 Bryan Wilks Survivor
2275 ED-E A unique eyebot in Primm