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Fallout 2: Übersichten
Auf dieser Seite werden alle Extras aus Fallout 2 aufgeführt.
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  • Für Extras in anderen Ablegern der Fallout-Reihe, siehe Extra.
  • Für eine Übersicht der Inhalte aus Fallout 2, siehe Portal:Fallout 2.

Allgemeine Informationen[]

In Fallout 2 Logo Fallout 2, perks are selected every 3rd level (or every 4th level if you have the Skilled trait). There are 70 regular perks and 12 special perks. For perks with multiple ranks the benefit listed should be interpreted as "per rank".

You can take chems (e.g., Mentats or Buffout) to increase desired SPECIAL stats temporarily; This way you can get perks that wouldn't normally be available. Perks taken under drug influence remain permanent, even when your stats fall under the requirements after the chems wear out.

Reguläre Extras[]

Name Stufe ben Sonstige Anforderungen Ränge Vorteil
Action Boy 12 BEW 5 2 Zusätzliche Aktionspunkte im Kampf
Adrenalinstoß 6 ST < 10 1 +1 to Strength when your HP drops below 50%
Bewußtsein 3 PE 5 1 Das Prüfen eines Ziels zeigt Lebenspunkte, Waffe und verbleibende Munition.
Bessere kritische Treffer 9 PE 6, AG 4, LK 6 1 20% bonus on the critical hit table
Bonus-Faustkampf 15 AG 6 1 Hand-to-hand attacks cost 1 AP less to perform
Bonus-Faustkampfverletzungen 3 ST 6, AG 6 3 +2 points of damage for hand-to-hand and melee attacks
Bonus-Bewegung 6 AG 5 2 Two extra APs per turn that can be used only for movement
Bonus-Verletzungen mit Waffen 6 AG 6, LK 6 2 +2 points of damage for attacks with ranged weapons
Bonus-Munition 15 PE 6, IN 6, AG 7 1 Ranged weapon attacks cost 1 AP less to perform
Vorsichtig 3 PE 6 1 +3 to Perception during random encounters
Verständnis 3 IN 6 1 50% more skill points when reading books
Kult der Persönlichkeit 12 CH 10 1 People will always view you favorably, no matter your reputation and their alignment
Abbruchexperte 9 AG 4, Traps 75% 1 Explosives do more damage and always detonate on time
Ausweichkünstler 9 AG 6 1 +5 to your Armor Class
Schnellere Reaktion 3 PE 6 3 +2 to attack sequence
Gebildet 6 IN 6 3 +2 skill points at level up
Einfühlungsvermögen 6 PE 7, IN 5 1 Reaction levels are shown when in an indepth converstaion
Entdecker 9 1 Higher chance of finding special places and people in random encounters
Schnellheilung 3 EN 3 3 +2 bonus to your healing rate
Schatzsucher 6 LK 8 1 Additional money is found during random encounters
Verbesserung 12 (Statistic) < 10 1 (x7) +1 to the respective Statistic
Spieler 6 Gambling 50% 1 +20% to Gambling
Geist 6 Feilschen 60% 1 +20% to Feilschen in dark conditions
Harmlos 6 Steal 50%, Karma 50 or more 1 +20% to Steal
Heiler 3 PE 7, IN 5, AG 6, Erste Hilfe 40% 2 4-10 more hit points healed when using Erste Hilfe or Arzt Fertigkeiten
Spezial! 6 ST less than 9 1 +2 to Strength when determing range of a thrown weapon
Hier und jetzt 3 1 Immediately gain an extra level
Nahkampf ausweichen 12 Unbewaffnet 75% 1 +2 for each unused Action Point, plus 1/12 your Unarmed skill to Armor Class at the end of a combat turn
Kama-Sutra-Meister 3 EN 5, AG 5 1 Some characters more likely to have sex with you
Karma-Strahl 9 CH 6 1 Karma is doubled for the purposes of dialogue and reactions
Lebensspender 12 EN 4 2 Additional 4 Hit Points on level-up
Leiser Läufer 9 AG 5, LK 5 1 50% reduction in your chance of setting off a trap
Lebendige Anatomie 12 Arzt 60% 1 +10% to Arzt and +5 damage to living creatures
Anziehende Persönlichkeit 6 CH < 10 1 +1 to the number of party members who can be recruited
Meisterdieb 12 Dietrich 50%, Steal 50% 1 +15% to skills: Dietrich and Steal
Meistertauscher 9 CH 7, Feilschen 75% 1 25% discount when purchasing items from stores and traders
Mediziner 12 Erste Hilfe 40% or Arzt 40% 1 +10% to skills: Erste Hilfe und Arzt
Zusätzliche Kriterien 6 LK 6 3 +5% chance of critical hits
Mr. Fixit 12 Wissenschaft 40% or Reparieren 40% 1 +10% to skills: Reparieren und Wissenschaft
Mutiere! 9 1 Change one of your traits
Mysteriöser Fremder 9 LK 4 1 Chance you will gain a temporary ally in random encounters
Unterhändler 6 Feilschen 50%, Sprache 50% 1 +10% to skills: Speech and Feilschen
Nachtsicht 3 PE 6 1 20% reduction in darkness level
Hamsterer 6 1 Carry an addition 50 lbs. of equipment
Pfadfinder 6 EN 6, Naturbursche 40% 2 25% reduction in travel time on the world map
Taschendieb 15 AG 8, Steal 80% 1 Size and facing modifiers are ignored when stealing from someone
Präsenz 3 CH 6 3 +10% to initial reaction of non-player characters
Pyromane 9 Big Guns 75% 1 +5 points of damage with fire-based weapons, more violent fire death animations
Tassenkünstler 3 AG 5 1 Inventory access during combat only costs 2 AP
Schnelle Erholung 6 AG 5 1 Getting up after being knocked down in combat only costs 1 AP
Resistenz gegen Strahlung 6 EN 6, IN 4 2 +15% to Radiation Resistance
Ranger 6 EN 6 1 +15% to Naturbursche
Salesman 6 Feilschen 50% 1 +15% to Feilschen
Scout 3 PE 7 1 Amount of viewable map increased
Scharfschütze 9 PE 7, IN 6 1 +2 to Perception when determining range modifiers
Leiser Tod 18 AG 10, Feilschen 80%, Unbewaffnet 80% 1 When sneaking HtH attacks from behind do double damage
Leiser Läufer 6 AG 6, Feilschen 50% 1 Able to Feilschen and run at the same time
Totschläger 24 ST 8, AG 8, Unbewaffnet 80% 1 All HtH attacks are critical hits
Schönredner 3 IN 4 3 +1 to Intelligence for the purposes of dialogue
Schlangenfresser 6 EN 3 2 +25% to Poison Resistance
Heckenschütze 24 PE 8, AG 8, Small Guns 80% 1 Increased chance to score a critical hit with ranged weapons
Redner 9 Sprache 50% 1 +20% to Speech
Steinmauer 3 ST 6 1 Reduction in chance to be knocked down during combat
Starker Rücken 3 ST 6, EN 6 3 Carry an additional 50 lbs. of equipment
Überlebenskünstler 3 EN 6, IN 6, Naturbursche 40% 1 +25% to Naturbursche
Heller Kopf 3 IN 4 3 +5% bonus whenever XP is earned
Spezial! 12 1 Pick an addition Tag Skill
Dieb 3 1 +10% to skills: Feilschen, Dietrich, Steal and Traps
Zäh 3 EN 6, LK 6 3 +10% to damage resistance
Waffenhandhabung 12 ST < 7, AG 5 1 +3 to Strength for weapon calculations

Spezial Extras[]

Name Anforderungen/Kosten Ort(e) Vorteil
Alcohol Lowered Hit Points 2 Glück, Consume 100 bottles of Alcohol-Z Vault City -2 HP
Alcohol Lowered Hit Points II 1 Glück, Consume 100 bottles of Alcohol-Z Vault City -4 HP
Alcohol Raised Hit Points 9 Glück, Consume 100 bottles of Alcohol-Z Vault City +2 HP
Alcohol Raised Hit Points II 10 Glück, Consume 100 bottles of Alcohol-Z Vault City +4 HP
Autodoc Raised Hit Points <4 IN, Ride the Autodoc Rodeo Vault City +2 HP
Dermal Impact Armor Combat armor, $5000–$7000, 2 days Vault City, Redding, San Francisco +5% to Damage Resistance against normal and explosion damage
Dermal Impact Assault Enhancement Dermal Impact Armor, combat armor, $30000-$40000, 5 Days Vault City, Redding, San Francisco +10% to Damage Resistance against normal and explosion damage, -1 Charisma
Experten Exkrement-Schleuder >4 Intelligenz Broken Hills +5% zur Fähigkeit Sprache
Gecko häuten Smiley retten Gifthöhlen Die Fähigkeit, Geckos zu häuten, um die Haut zu verkaufen.
Phoenix Armor Implants Combat armor, $8000–$10000, 3 days Vault City, Redding, San Francisco +5% to Damage Resistance against plasma, laser and fire weapons
Phoenix Assault Enhancement Phoenix Armor Implants, combat armor, $30000-$50000, 4-6 Days Vault City, Redding, San Francisco +10% to Damage Resistance against plasma, laser and fire weapons, -1 Charisma
Vault City Training 75% Arzt Skill Vault City +5% to skills: Arzt and Erste Hilfe
Vault City Inoculations 75% Arzt Skill, Vault City Training Vault City +10% to poison and radiation resistance

Siehe auch[]

Extras (Fallout 2)