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Fallout Wiki

Darkwaters Gemischtwarenladen ist ein Laden in Junktown betrieben vom Bürgermeister selbst, Killian Darkwater.


The Darkwaters General Store was founded by Killian Darkwater sometime after his grandfather founded Junktown. Killian will trade with the Vault Dweller, however there are items located around the store which can be taken and a safe to be cracked. While hanging around the store, a 'shady gunslinger' walks in and tries to assassinate Killian (even though he employs three Junktown guards). After surviving this attempt on his life Killian will initiate the quest to get Gizmo's confession, as well as giving the player character two unique quest items.

Der Attentatsversuch[]

Helping defend Killian from the hired assassin's attack grants 400 XP. Helping defeat Kenji without taking any damage grants a bonus of 250 (making 650 XP altogether).

Bemerkenswerte Beute[]

  • Hunting rifle, back pack, rope found in shelves
  • Mentats found in bookshelves
  • Red Ryder BB gun
  • Stimpaks
  • .44 rounds

Killian's Safe[]

Killian has a locked safe which when picked grants additional 500 XP, and over 2,000 caps.


  • Bug
  • Tape recorder

Zugehörige Quests[]

  • Kill Killian
  • Get Gizmo's confession
  • Stop Gizmo
  • Save Killian's life
  • Recruit Tycho


Darkwaters Gemischtwarenladen kommt in Fallout 1 Logo Fallout vor und wird zudem in Fallout Bible logo Fallout Bible erwähnt.
