Standorte der Enklave-Außenposten
Sobald die Enklave ihre erste Erscheinung während der Quest Das Wasser des Lebens macht, werden Kontrollpunkte, Lager und Außenposten an verschiedenen Standorten überall im Ödland der Hauptstadt errichtet. Diese Außenposten sind typischerweise von einem Offizier der Enklave bemannt, begleitet von mehreren Enklave-Soldaten und anderen Truppen, das reicht von einem Wachbot, defensiven Geschütztürmen bis hin zu Verstand-kontrollierte Todeskrallen.
Approximately 30 known outposts are found scattered throughout the Capital Wasteland, and they are commonly found on the remnants of the pre-War road system, giving them the appearance of a checkpoint patrol network.
Most of the sites are used by the Enclave for conducting research, or for testing new forms of technology they have developed. Such sites can be identified by locating an Enclave Field Research terminal, which can be accessed to determine the nature of the research being carried out.
Some of the sites are used for exterminating ghoul wastelanders, with an Enclave soldier using a flamer or heavy incinerator to carry out the task of disposing of the corpses.
An outpost near Old Olney is the site where the player can carry out an optional objective of the Add-On Broken Steels Schreckfaktor quest; to take control of an Enclave-controlled Todeskralle.
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