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Fallout Wiki

Ardin Buckner ist der Kopf der Buckner Familie in 2241.


Ardin is a very fit and vivacious woman in her early fifties. She is the strong willed woman in charge of the Buckner family of Klamath. She runs a combined bar, hostel and shop, the Buckner House, in addition to a brahmin herd, which are the sources of her income. She is friends with many of the town's residents, including Whiskey Bob, who always seems to have some hooch available.

She has two children - Maida and Torr Buckner, who help her in running the business, one with her refined merchant's sense and the other with sheer physical prowess (despite his rather limited intellectual aptitude) - and was looking to form a permanent relationship with Smiley the Trapper, but before she could finalize it, he went missing in the Toxic Caves.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Allgemein Dienstleistungen Quests
Begleiter: Nein
Sprechender Kopf: Nein
Händler: Nein
Modifiziert Gegenstände: Nein
Doktor: Nein
Startet Quests: Nein
An Quests beteiligt: Nein


  • Rescue Smiley the Trapper: Ardin's fiancee, Smiley got lost when hunting some geckos, and needs to be brought back.

Sonstige Interaktionen[]

  • Ardin provides some information on and its denizens. If the player does (Klamath)Rustle the brahmin quest for the Duntons, she will also be worried about Torr, who went missing in the canyon west of town. Obviously, if the player allows either Smiley or Torr to die (or kills them purposefully), she will be devastated.


Kleidung Waffen Weitere Gegenstände Im Todesfall
Clothing - - -


  • Originally, the player was supposed to be able to expose the Dunton rustling scheme, but it was cut before release.


Ardin Buckner erscheint nur in Fallout 2 Logo Fallout 2.
