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Die Abwasserkanäle von Olney sind ein Kanalisationssystem, das sich in Old Olney befindet. The Olney sewers is the only location where you can discover the unique prototype medic power armor.


The entrance to the Olney sewers can be quite difficult to stumble upon. The round sewer manhole entrance is located between two ruined buildings in the southwest corner of town.

There is also a "trap-door" grate in the North-East corner of Old Olney, two blocks north of the fire station. Once falling inside this small pit, the only exit out is a door leading to the Olney sewers.

(NOTE: If you have fallen into the "trap", remember that you are still outside and can fast-travel to free yourself provided there are no deathclaws or other hostiles nearby.)


  • The Olney sewers are infested entirely with deathclaws. Be very well prepared before proceeding.
  • If you go on the most direct path to get to the prototype medic power armor you will come across about 3-4 deathclaws but if you go exploring the whole sewers area you will run into about 6-7.

Bemerkenswerte Beute[]

  • Nuka-Cola Quantum, along with a missile launcher and Fat Man in a room just east of the southern entrance (A).
  • A bottlecap mine on a workbench (E)
  • A dead Brotherhood of Steel initiate, among other corpses, with the prototype medic power armor and medic power armor manual in a partly collapsed tunnel (B). The image below shows the area surrounding these three corpses. In this case, the corpse has already been looted. (Note: If you leave without the prototype medic power armor, the armor may disappear). Alternately, sometimes neither the Brotherhood body nor the raiders will appear. The initiate can sometimes appear above ground lying dead on a side street. In the room a little to the left of the room with the medic power armor, there is also a scoped .44 magnum in good condition.
  • In the end of the southern caverns, a Duck and Cover! under/next to a skeleton who appears to have been digging his way out with a spoon. (C). The image below shows the area surrounding the Duck and Cover! book.
  • A mini nuke is in a very hard locked closet (D), along with various other miscellaneous items.

Interessante Details[]

  • In a room to the north, not far from the "trap-door" entrance, is a terminal that activates a unique taxi-colored protectron for a "Maintenance Routine". The protectron will detect a "critter of unusual size" and run an "extermination program". There is also a utility worker ID next to a skeleton, which will keep the robot from attacking you. Once the robot has identified you as a utility worker, it will start a patrol of the sewers. Following along behind the robot as it patrols will give any enemies encountered a primary target that isn't you, allowing you to attack in coordination with the robot, making clearing the sewers considerably easier. With a high enough sneak skill, or by utilizing a Stealth Boy, the protectron will resume its "Maintenance Routine" without the utility worker ID, and will only attack the player once all deathclaws in the sewers are exterminated, or they no longer detect the player.
  • The three safes - In the second to last room in the sewers; if you take notice of the clock on the wall you will notice there are three safes around it. Each safe has an average lock pick level. The safes usually don't have any notable rarities in them and can be overlooked, however it is possible for all of them to contain Stealth Boys.


  • Judging by the corpses, beds and number of safes in the sewer, the Brotherhood Initiate may have been trapped underground with other wastelanders, forcing them to have to try and dig their way out or wait for help.
  • The wooden spoon on the tunnel skeleton was probably the only tool left to dig with.


The Olney sewers appears only in Fallout 3.

Hinter den Kulissen[]

The "critter of unusual size" line could be a reference to the book and movie The Princess Bride, wherein R.O.U.S.'s (rodents of unusual size) are prominently featured.

