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Fallout Wiki

Abartiger Aasfresser ist ein Extra in Fallout: New Vegas.


With Ghastly Scavenger, when you're in Sneak mode, you gain the option to eat a super mutant or feral ghoul corpse to regain health. Every time you feed, you lose Karma, and if the act is witnessed, it is considered a crime against nature.

Each corpse you consume restores 50 points of your health, adds 5 Rads, and subtracts one Karma.


  • Ghastly Scavenger is unaffected by the Dine and Dash perk.
  • Since all of the characters that must be eaten in order to obtain the Fleisch der Champions perk are humans, this perk is not needed to do so.
  • Despite being "ghastly," the ghost people of the Sierra Madre cannot be eaten.
  • You gain a unique dialogue option with Jas Wilkins if you have this perk.

Hinter den Kulissen[]

This perk was created by Joshua Sawyer.[1]


Kursiv: Extras aus Add-Ons